Let’s talk about ‘Include a Charity Week’ 2021
Today we’re talking with ChildFund’s Bequest Executive, Martin Shields, about ‘Include a Charity Week’, Bequest Donations and why you should think about including ChildFund in your Will.
Martin, can you tell us a little about yourself and your experience?
I have worked in the Not for Profit sector for almost 20 years. Recently, I started as the Bequest Executive at ChildFund Australia and enjoy being in touch with our supporters who care so much about the children and young people that we support.
What is Include a Charity week all about?
The 6th-12th of September is ‘Include a Charity Week’. This week is all about encouraging every family to talk about their estate planning and whether including a charity in their Will is something they are interested in doing.
Include a Charity is a group of 100 charities that encourages everyday Australians to talk about leaving a gift in their Wills. These special gifts let us give support to communities around the world.
What is the theme for this year’s Include a Charity week?
This year’s theme is “When legends begin.” For many Australians, their family history, values, culture, and identity are important to them. You can immortalise those values by leaving a gift to a charity of your choice in your Will. By doing this your passions and interests will continue when you are no longer around. Your gift could inspire others to do the same. You just need to go online and check out the interactive quiz that helps you explore who you are, your values and prompt you to think about what is important. What sort of legend are you?
How can people get involved?
It’s really simple! For information about leaving a gift in your will to ChildFund click on the link Leaving a Gift in your will to ChildFund.
If you would like to have a friendly, confidential and obligation free chat, – give me a call on 02 8281 3117 or email mshields@childfund.org.au.
Do I need to be wealthy to leave a gift in your Will?
No, not at all! ChildFund is grateful for every gift in a Will that we receive, no matter how modest. Every gift provides hope for a better future for 70 million children and young people across 23 countries.
What is a Will, and do I even need one?
Simply put a Will is a set of instructions that lets your executor and the people you care about know what to do with your assets (your estate) after you have died. This means that they can be confident that they are carrying out your wishes.
Do I need a Will to leave a gift to ChildFund?
Yes. Without clear instructions on what you want to happen, ChildFund will not receive anything after you have gone. The only way to be sure that ChildFund receives a gift is through a Will.
Why are Wills so lengthy and complicated? Can’t I make it simple?
In an ideal world, a Will would be simple. But, when a Will is made, no one knows what circumstances your executors and loved ones will face after you’re gone. Changes in your circumstances and the law could affect your estate and how it needs to be handled. To ensure that your executor can deal with your assets effectively, no matter what the circumstances, it is important that they have the powers to act in the best interests of your estate and beneficiaries.
How do I know that ChildFund will use my Bequest properly?
ChildFund always works with the executors or solicitors administering the estate to ensure that the wishes and instructions of the Will writer are followed – providing it is legally and ethically possible.
So, this Include a Charity Week, have the conversation with your family and think about whether you would like to leave a Bequest to ChildFund Australia. If you would like to know more, please contact Martin at 02 8281 3117 or email mshields@childfund.org.au.