Does ChildFund Australia have a refund policy?

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A request for a refund of contributions already donated to ChildFund Australia by a sponsor/donor will be considered and determined on a case by case basis.

When a request for a refund is received, an assessment of the reason given for the refund request is undertaken. The following reasons will usually be considered favourably:

  • an error has been made by ChildFund Australia;
  • a sponsor/donor decides within the first 1-3 weeks of providing contributions that they have changed their mind and the funds have not already been remitted overseas;
  • a sponsor/donor banking details are fraudulently obtained and used;
  • the sponsor disputes agreeing to allocation of an additional child through ChildFund Australia marketing programs; or
  • a sponsor/donor contributions are paid in advance.


The following reasons will not usually be grounds for a refund to be given:

  • the financial circumstances of the sponsor/donor;
  • the sponsor/donor denies or disputes having made a decision with ChildFund or one of its contracted marketing agencies to provide financial contributions; or
  • disagreement by the sponsor/donor with the nature of the programs provided by ChildFund.


If it is agreed that a refund is to be made the sponsor/donor will receive the refund within ten working days of the decision.

The financial accounts of ChildFund Australia are independently audited on an annual basis by accounting firm KPMG. This process includes auditing the financial accounts of our country offices in Vietnam, Papua New Guinea and Cambodia, Lao, Myanmar and Timor-Leste.