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Teen survivor recalls cries of pain in Laos flood

Teen survivor recalls cries of pain in Laos flood

Khied was getting ready for bed when everything suddenly turned dark and water came gushing into the house.

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The human loss of natural disasters

The human loss of natural disasters

Months after the devastating Laos flood in Attapeu Province, mother-of-seven Vee is still haunted by the loss of her son and grandson.

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How your donation funds disaster relief for children in Indonesia

How your donation funds disaster relief for children in Indonesia

Every child needs a childhood, but when emergency strikes children can lose everything. The recent combined earthquake and tsunami in Indonesia destroyed homes and schools,…

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Clean water needed for Indonesia's disaster survivors

Clean water needed for Indonesia's disaster survivors

When disasters strike, families and communities can lose everything. And in the aftermath, children are left vulnerable and struggling to survive under desperate circumstances, at risk of hunger,…

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