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I advocate for peace

I advocate for peace

Guinea is a country in West Africa with a population of just over 10 million people – despite its small population, it is home to over 20 ethnic groups who speak more than 25 different languages….

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Protecting children in the face of disaster

Protecting children in the face of disaster

As Guatemala recovers from its latest earthquakes and more than one million children face severe malnutrition in the drought-stricken Sahel region of West Africa, the work of aid organisations is…

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Senegalese Community Unites to Protect, Educate Children

Senegalese Community Unites to Protect, Educate Children

The sun hangs high above the daara school in Senegal`s Thies region, about 100 miles from the capital city of Dakar. A large crowd has gathered in the circle of shade bestowed by the largest tree in…

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Spotlight on Uganda's children

Spotlight on Uganda's children

The Stop Kony campaign has garnered worldwide attention over the past week. If you haven’t already watched the video, you can do so at the end of this post. Uganda is once again in the news, and…

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