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Keeping kids safe online in Australia and beyond

Keeping kids safe online in Australia and beyond

A new program from ChildFund Australia is helping to keep children safe from harm online, writes Child Protection Adviser Mark Kavenagh.

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Child labour in the cotton fields of India

Child labour in the cotton fields of India

Children as young as five years old are lured by traffickers to work in the cotton fields in India. They suffer long days in the hot sun and live under poor conditions, often with inadequate food, and are beaten and abused.

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Global partnership to End Violence Against Children

Global partnership to End Violence Against Children

Through our Free From Violence campaign, ChildFund has been a loud advocate amongst those calling for a world where all children are safe and child protection is a global priority. We celebrated…

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Supporting communities to protect children in Sri Lanka

Supporting communities to protect children in Sri Lanka

ChildFund Sri Lanka staff have been trained to immediately respond to child abuse incidents in communities in Sri Lanka, following established protocols to refer children and families to appropriate agencies for assistance.

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