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Last time you were here, you were looking to help vulnerable children and families. Your support can save and change lives.

Noy is breaking barriers through ChildFund’s Pass it Back. She wrote to tell us about her experience with the program.

My name is Noy. I was born and raised in Chomphet district, Luang Prabang province. When I finished 4th grade, my family moved to Vientiane to take care of my grandmother who was getting older.

I have been a Pass It Back Coach with the Lao Rugby Federation for more than two years now. It all started from the time I saw a group of people playing a new sport called rugby at the playground of my school.

I had been watching the children playing every day and noticed that, after the games, they would sit together to talk. It was something quite strange and different compared to other sports.

Plus, the coaches were still very young! I was really impressed about that, that people who are around my age can do such work.

I looked for information and signed up to be a coach through Lao Rugby. I was thrilled when I learned that I had been selected and at the first Coach Training, I learned that I was the only one, among all the new coaches, who did not know anything about the sport of rugby! That’s how my coaching journey began.

What I love about being a coach is that I can help young people to gain their self-confidence and courage to do whatever they want. Along with the skills and knowledge I’ve learnt, Pass It Back helps me to become a more confident and open person who now dares to step out of my comfort zone and embrace new things. I also made a lot of new friends from this program, too!

I also like that I can make some income since starting my coaching job. In the past I had a daily allowance from my parents, but now I rely less on them and feel more responsible about my life and my financial status.

I have monthly salary from my job as a coach and I put some into my savings. Sometimes I give some to my parents too. Being a Coach helps me to acknowledge the value of money because this is my very first job, and I have to think carefully before I spend any.

But what I appreciate the most about being part of Pass It Back is that I have had the opportunity to build my leadership skills and I’ve grown so much from that.

As a coach, my job is to deliver life skills and rugby training to children in my community. I need to ensure that the sessions are safe and fun and that my players learn skills which they can apply to their lives.

Being a coach also means I need to be a good role model. That makes me feel responsible for what I say, and the way I behave. Other coaches and I also have the chance to practice team-working skills, in which we learn how to ensure mutual understanding, reach agreement, and resolve conflicts.

The leadership skills I have gained from being a coach has been so useful to me, not only on but off the pitch. Before, I didn’t have any courage share my voice with my parents, I thought I was just a minor. At college, I used to say no whenever I had an opportunity to be a group leader because I did not believe I was good enough.

Being a coach has helped me gain confidence, improve my communications and teamwork skills, and has made me realise that anyone can be a leader.

I now am confident enough to share my thoughts with my parents, and I even provide them with advice on family matters. At school, I’ve started taking on the role of group leader, and lead my team through group assignments. Yes, now I know that I can do it!

Last summer, during the 2-month semester break from college, I decided to apply for an internship in the Finance Department at ChildFund in Laos, as I’m studying finance. I was accepted!

I gained so much valuable knowledge and experience in terms of finance work and could apply skills I’ve learnt from Pass It Back, such as making plans, setting goals, communicating well with others, and working as a team. There were of course some challenges at the beginning, but I tried my best, asked when not sure, always seeking solutions where there was a problem and I learnt from my mistakes.

At the end of the internship, the Finance Manager of ChildFund in Laos asked me to stay longer, which means a lot to me. It means my support and skills are acknowledged and I am proud of that, though I had turn it down to continue my new semester at college.

When I first joined Pass It Back, my parents did not support my decision. They didn’t understand the program and they had the misperception that rugby is a violent sport and I could get hurt.

Now they have changed. They have seen that I have been given opportunities to travel, I can earn my own money, and I have become more mature. They are proud to see these changes in me. Some people in my village even said to me: “Good on you Noy! You’ve already had a job and earnt some income at this age. We’re happy for you!”

Pass It Back is an essential program for young people in Laos to have a chance to reach their full potential. The program is open to everyone, regardless of their background, sex or gender.

I want to encourage more children and young people, especially girls, to join Pass It Back. I want them to have the opportunity to learn important skills and develop themselves through sport, like I have, and ‘pass it back’ to their community.

Colleagues at a Sydney council are donating part of their pay to support children in need overseas.

The group of 20 staff members at the City of Canterbury Bankstown in Sydney’s south-west are sponsoring five children in developing countries such as the Philippines, Honduras and Cambodia, through ChildFund Australia.

Council Team Leader of Environmental Protection and Compliance, Paul Choueiri, who helped create the group 18 years ago, says the number of staff supporters has grown significantly since the group was formed in 2003.

There were just three colleagues, including Paul, at the beginning. “It was a personal thing for all of us to give back to people who need it,” Paul says. “We recognised how lucky we were to be in a country like Australia.”

After researching and calling several different charities, the group settled on ChildFund Australia. “The amount of money getting to the children who needed it was a big thing for us,” Paul says. “We decided to go with ChildFund because they were upfront about how much goes towards the child and their community, and how much goes towards administration.”

It made sense to sponsor as a group rather than individually, says Paul. “The more people who sponsor together, the more children you can help,” he says. “As a group, the sky’s the limit. If I were to do this myself, I could probably only sponsor one or two children.”

Paul’s colleague Denise Theore, also one of the original members of the sponsor group at the City of Canterbury Bankstown, says the COVID-19 pandemic has amplified the need in developing countries. “With the COVID-19 situation overseas, it’s now more important than ever that we support these children and anyone else we can support,” Denise says. “We’re lucky here. It’s very sad to see what is going on in other areas of the world.”

Paul and Denise have been part of a group of child sponsors at City of Canterbury Bankstown council for more than 18 years. The group has grown from three to 20 members, and today sponsor five children in developing communities overseas.

Giving back to the community and helping people who are less fortunate has always been an important part of both Paul and Denise’s lives.

Paul regularly donates to charity and says he came to understand the importance of gratitude early on in his life.

“I try to help wherever I can,” he says. “My parents came to Australia from a war-torn country in the ’70s. They struggled with the English language and did the work that no one else wanted to do. They did it and pulled through; I learnt about the value of hard work and having an appreciation for a place like Australia and not forgetting that many people overseas are worse off.”

For Denise, helping others runs in in her family. “My father and sisters have sponsored children,” she says. “We’ve always tried to help and support people who are in need. Hopefully my children will continue as sponsors after I’ve gone.”

Paul and Denise co-ordinate the council group, writing letters and cards on behalf of the other members to the children they sponsor, and making sure that any updates they get in return are shared with the group.

A couple of times a year Paul and Denise will send out an email to rally more colleagues to join.

“We have around 1500 staff at the City of Canterbury Bankstown,” Paul says. “Even if every second person contributed a small donation every week, that’s a lot of children we could be helping.

“I hope we can continue to grow and be able to support more children.”

Paul says the positive impact a group of sponsors can have in the world outweighs the effort and time that goes into organising and managing such a group. He is encouraging others to start similar initiatives in their workplace.

“The major benefit of sponsoring as a group is where you can take it,” he says. “You just need one person to start; someone who will take on the extra little jobs: writing letters, scanning, photocopying, and emailing. It’s not a lot, but it’s about someone being bothered.

“If everyone who was better off did something for those people who were worse off, we could change so many lives.”