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The COVID-19 pandemic has put the term “food security” into the minds of millions of people around the world.

Broken global supply chains and rising unemployment have forced millions of people around the world into a struggle to put food on the table.

Even before the pandemic, food security was one of the biggest and most complex problems in the world. So, what does it mean?

What is meant by the term food security?

Essentially, food security is the idea that everyone has easy access to the food they need to survive and thrive.

That idea may seem straightforward, but the definition has evolved since it was first introduced at the World Food Conference in 1974.

At that time, the focus was on the availability of food. Over time we have learned that availability shouldn’t be the only consideration.. Famines can occur even when food is widely available.

The United Nations’ Committee on World Food Security (CFS) now defines food security as existing “when all people, at all times, have physical, social and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food which meets their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life.”

What is threatening global food security?

Sometimes the reasons for food insecurity are fairly straightforward. Long-running droughts that affect food production can lead to a scarcity of food, affecting anybody reliant on that source of nutrition.

In other situations, like the COVID-19 pandemic, it is more complex. Even though the plants and animals people consume are not directly affected by the virus, job losses, travel restrictions and lockdowns have made it much harder for people to get the food they need.

In 2020, the CFS identified five key factors that determine food security:

1. Availability

There needs to be enough food available so people can satisfy their dietary needs. For food security to exist this food must not be contaminated and it has to be something the people in that culture are willing to eat.

2. Access

Even when food is available, it is not always accessible to all people. Some people may not be able to afford food without compromising other basic needs. This makes them food insecure. They must also be able to access the food without putting themselves in harm’s way.

Social status can also play a role in food security.

The status of particular groups within society can mean their access to culturally appropriate, nutritious food is far less than others.

3. Utilisation

Sometimes people cannot access the nutritional benefits from food because they do not have access to clean water or sanitation. This prevents them from making the most of the nutrients they consume. For example, having access to clean sources of water enables people to prepare and cook food safely.

4. Stability

Sudden shocks in the form of natural disasters, conflict, political instability, unemployment, and rising food prices can affect food security. Even if people have enough food today, they may be food insecure tomorrow given the dramatic changes that these shocks can entail, particularly for those who are considered most vulnerable.

5. Agency

People need to have a say in how their food is harvested, processed and distributed, as well as a choice in what they eat and produce. People who are historically and currently disadvantaged are more likely to be food insecure.

Why is food security such an important issue?

Food security has been a global issue for decades, and it will be a priority for decades to come.

A growing population, higher levels of meat consumption, climate change, water shortages and rising food prices are just some of the pressures facing food security worldwide.

With the world’s population expected to reach 9 billion in 2050 and a changing climate putting even more pressure on vulnerable families, food security is an issue that is here to stay.

How you can help improve food security in Kenya

ChildFund is committed to finding a solution for food security and ensuring all children and families worldwide can access the food then need to survive and thrive. 

We currently have programs in more than 60 countries, and work to address food security head-on by partnering with local communities to develop sustainable solutions. 

Donate to ChildFund today and help us ensure a stable supply of food is available in the communities where we work.

Charity fundraising events are a fun way to get your friends, family, and wider community together to support a good cause. There are lots of different ways you can go about this, so here are some great ideas and tips to suit every individual, timeframe, and budget.

It is essential that any face-to-face event complies with COVID-19 restrictions in your state, so ensure you factor a safe head count into your event planning.

1. Facebook birthday fundraiser

You’ll be surprised how much money you can raise for your favourite cause using Facebook’s ingenious birthday fundraiser feature. Social media is a great way to spread awareness about all kinds of issues, including children living in poverty, and it’s really easy to set up. Two weeks out from the date, you’ll receive a notification from Facebook, giving you the option to fundraise for your birthday.

Fundraising Tip

You can boost your fundraiser and generate more awareness around your cause by including personal stories and pictures that are compelling, inspirational, and impactful.

2. Fundraise in lieu of gifts for special occasions

Instead of receiving gifts for your special occasion, ask your loved ones to go online and purchase a charity gift from our ‘Gifts for Good’ catalogue instead. It’s a simple and easy way to raise funds with minimal fuss. 

You may even decide to put together a charity gift list that your friends and family can tick off to provide children in developing communities with many forms of support.

Fundraising Tip: 

You can also do this for other special occasions like weddings, kitchen teas and baby showers, where in place of wishing wells or gift registries you ask guests to donate to your chosen cause.

3. Trivia night

Get your wider community together and challenge them to trivia. Trivia nights are one of the classic fundraising ideas and an inexpensive way to host a charity event. Host one at your house, online, or partner with a local restaurant or pub (depending on COVID-19 restrictions in your city). 

All you need to do is pick a fun theme, promote it on social media and through word-of-mouth, and charge each team a participation fee. You can also reach out to local businesses to ask for prize donations. Throughout the night, remind attendees of the cause and encourage them to make further contributions. 

Fundraising Tip: 

Theme your trivia night around topics that will excite your group. For example, if it’s a family event, a great question might be, “Guess what Disney movies the following five songs are from?”

4. School fundraiser

School fundraisers are a great way to raise money and awareness among your local community. You can run raffles, flea markets, bake sales, craft stalls, and host fun challenges people can pay to play.

Fundraising Tip: 

Boost funds raised by charging a gold coin donation to participate.

5. Parents night out

Give mums and dads in your local area a break one night by hosting a movie and games night for the kids. Charge a small participation fee and ask everyone to contribute a snack to share with the group. You can partner with a local organisation like a school or playgroup for a big night of fun. 

Fundraising Tip: 

Immerse the kids in another world by theming the games and decorations around the movie.

6. Neighbourhood concert

Take your fundraiser to your street and host your very own charity fundraiser concert. You can host a talent show, or invite local musicians to perform, and charge a small entry fee. Add a sausage sizzle, a bake sale, and a community garage sale to make it fun for all ages and boost funds raised.

Fundraising Tip: 

Advertise your fundraising event a few weeks in advance and promote your cause on social media to attract interest. Don’t forget to obtain the right permits from your local council.

7. Scavenger hunt

For a more active fundraising idea, organise a scavenger hunt around your local neighbourhood or park. A scavenger hunt is a fun way for kids and adults of all ages to get outside and spend time together. Have people sign up in teams of 2-4 and pay a team fee to participate. Set up challenges and clues for teams to work their way through, and give out prizes for winning teams. 

Fundraising Tip: 

Use each checkpoint as an opportunity for teams to learn more about your cause.

8. Recipe book

Ask students at your local school to contribute family recipes, either as a Word or PDF document, and create a recipe book that can be purchased online by parents and community members. You’ll be surprised at the variety of delicious recipes that people contribute.

Fundraising Tip: 

People like to see how their donations will make an impact, so be sure to include an introduction explaining where the funds will go. For example, “For every four books sold, we will purchase one Food for Thought Bundle which includes a gift of two water filters, four fruit trees, and four packs of seeds will provide clean water and lifelong nutritious foods for families”.

9. Car wash

Another simple yet practical fundraising idea is a charity car wash. Everyone needs a good car wash once in a while, so why not host one in the car park of your local sports club or school? All you need is a team of helpers, street signs, and some eco-friendly cleaning supplies. It’s a great way to spread awareness of the work your charity does, while cooling off on a hot summer afternoon.

Fundraising Tip: 

Make sure you put up some eye-catching signs to catch the attention of passing drivers.

10. Physical challenges

Themed fun runs, walks, and rides are tried-and-tested charity fundraising ideas that are a lot of fun, generate awareness, and get entire communities involved around a common cause while promoting an active lifestyle. You can register for events like Tough Mudder and ask people to sponsor your team. 

Fundraising Tip: 

You can also host your very own physical challenge event and bring some fun for the families in your local community. Remember the ALS ice bucket challenge? Let your imagination run wild. 

Put the fun back into fundraising!

Put the fun back into fundraising! We hope that you’re feeling inspired about your next event. If you’d like to support disadvantaged children, or help families impacted by disasters and emergencies, consider partnering with ChildFund for your fundraising event.