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On 3 September, we mark Father’s Day 2023. It’s a special day to acknowledge and celebrate the positive impact of dads and father figures and the ways they’ve helped shape us to be the people we are today. A loving, present, and supportive male role model can have a lasting influence on our wellbeing.

Around the world, dads and father figures are doing their part to raise a stronger, happier – and more educated – generation of children. Whether the male role model in your life encouraged you to pursue your hobbies, explained current events, encouraged you to stay in school or inspired you to dream big, chances are he made sure education was a top priority when you were growing up.

A hands-on approach to fatherhood

Early childhood education is a stepping stone to building a brighter future for children. In Lautem, Timor-Leste, one dad’s dedication to his children’s education is making positive! – waves in his community.

Like most dads, Florencio, wants a better future for his three children. He makes it a priority to be involved in all aspects of their lives, especially when it comes to their education.

“For me, the most important thing is my children,” says Florencio, who can be seen every morning, walking his sons to school. His oldest son is in Year 2 and his second son is attending a local ChildFund supported preschool. “I share work with my wife, my wife takes care of our third child, and I take the kids to school every day. Every important thing that I must do I always do it after my children come back from school.”

A hands-on dad, Florencio is committed to giving his children a good head start in life, even if that means going against the traditional gender roles of his community. Besides school drop-off being non-negotiable, he makes time to sit and study with his children twice a day and reads magazines with them to help them with literacy. They also play games together supplied by ChildFund at the preschool. Today, Florencio’s oldest son, Arjun, is one of the top students in his grade!

A passionate advocate for quality early childhood education, Florencio is leading by example. His actions show the important role dads and father figures can play in helping children achieve their dreams. 

Give the ultimate charity gift this Father’s Day

It’s not too late to show your appreciation for dad! A charitable gift from our range of Gifts for Good will give your dad the opportunity to help children stay in school and get a quality education.

Here are a few last-minute Father’s Day gift ideas we think will bring a smile to your dad’s face.

Donate a School Supplies Set / Gift a Scholarship / Buy a Bicycle & Helmet

In the small village of Puno, Timor-Leste, children spent hours walking to a nearby stream to collect clean water.

They had to walk with buckets, on a long and dangerous journey for children travelling alone. Instead of playing or studying, they spend hours collecting water.

“The children spend two hours to get water and carry it back using the wooden cart. They get water twice a day. The distance from our place to the water take 500 metres. It can be very risky but as parents and big sisters we all must look after them. We make sure they are safe and always hold their hand,” said Carolina, one mother in the community.

Carolina is a mother to eight children and teaches at the local kindergarten. Carolina knows how important it is to have easy access to clean water. “Water is very important in our community. We need it for drinking and cooking. And it is hard when we can’t access it easily.”

Easier access to water means that Carolina and her family can cook healthy food, shower, wash their clothes, and give water to their farm animals. “If the kids have school in the morning, then they must get the water in the afternoon so that they can use for showering the next morning before school. If there is no water, then they must go to school without taking a shower.”

With support from ChildFund Timor-Leste, the community installed a new water system that is more reliable and closer to the village. The water system serves 34 homes – approximately 200 people.

“Now the water is accessible any time but now our concern is that we don’t have a tap-stop to divide the water. We only use a hose directly from the pipe and because the water was installed in an old room next to the toilet, sometimes we need to take the hose out from the toilet to the outside to prepare meals for children or to be used for kitchen needs.”

The village Chief of more than 17 years, Filipe, explained that the whole community helped in the construction of the water system. “We had a lot of people helping. I divided them into two groups of about 50 people. They helped with the construction and prepared food for the volunteers.”

The water protection project provides communities with  access to clean water for agriculture, schools, and the health post in Puno.

Learn more about how ChildFund works with local partners and communities in Timor-Leste to improve water access.

The Disaster READY (DRR) project is funded by the Australian Government through the Australian Humanitarian Partnership (AHP). The water rehabilitation project was one activity that was part of the Disaster Risk Reduction Community Action Plan. The initiative was led by the community.