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Hundreds of primary school children in Timor-Leste now have access to a free digital library for the first time to help them improve their reading skills.

ChildFund Timor-Leste and our partner Library for All have introduced the digital library, stored on tablets, to more than 600 students in some of the country’s most disadvantaged communities in Manatuto municipality. This project is supported by the Australian Government through the Australian NGO Cooperation Program (ANCP).

Students from Grade 1 to Grade 3 can choose from 130 titles, including stories written by local authors in Tetun and developed by Timor-Leste’s Ministry of Education.

School co-ordinator Engracia from Beboro Primary says the digital library provides students with a diverse range of age-appropriate reading materials that they would otherwise not be able to access.

“At our school the children have read the same books many times,” she says. “They have been needing new ones, and there have not been enough books for every child to read at the same time. They usually have to take turns.”

The new technology has been welcomed by students and teachers, who were trained on how to use the and manage the library at the start of July.

Grade 3 student Paula says: “I am happy because we can read more stories together.”

Nine-year-old Baltazar, who is also in Grade 3, has enjoyed choosing from a variety of books to read. “I like the stories and pictures; they’re good,” he says.

Hundreds of pre-school children in rural and remote communities in Timor-Leste have received learning packs from ChildFund, allowing them to continue their education during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Earlier this year a roll-out of government restrictions to curb the impact and spread of the virus in Timor-Leste resulted in the closure of schools across the country, leaving many children in disadvantaged communities without access to opportunities to learn and play.

Over the past several weeks ChildFund Timor-Leste has been distributing educational packs to children in 10 early childhood development centres in Liquica and Lautem municipalities. More than 350 children have received a pack, which includes storybooks, toys, Lego, jigsaw puzzles, balls, drawing and writing materials, as well as soap and information on COVID-19 and hygiene.

Four-year-old Jenilda was scheduled to start school for the first time at an early education centre supported by ChildFund in Lautem when the pandemic hit.

She was eager to start learning, her mother Victoria says, but when the centre was forced to close because of government restrictions, Jenilda had to stay home and her education was delayed.

The learning pack Jenilda received from ChildFund has brought her a lot of joy and kept her mind and body active, says Victoria.

“The materials help our children play and learn at home,” Victoria says.