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A birth certificate is an important document for a child and family. Not only does it give them proof of identity, but it also gives someone to access health services, education, employment opportunities later in life. But for parents in rural and remote areas of Timor-Leste, accessing a birth certificate for their newborn is not an easy task.

ChildFund Timor-Leste is working in partnership with the National Directorate of Civil Registry and the Ministry of Justice to issue birth certificates to children in hard-to-reach areas in Timor-Leste. This project is supported by UNICEF Timor-Leste.

After the birth of their child, parents in urban areas can apply for a birth registration certificate at their local notary office – but for those in Lautem, this is nearly impossible.

Lautem is located high in the mountains on the southeast coast – it is one of the hardest regions to reach, it takes 11 hours on a bus from the capital of Dili and the rugged and rocky landscape make the journey long and uncomfortable. When the mobile unit reached the area, they found that many children didn’t have a birth certificate.

Libernato Gomes is a village chief in the Ailebere region of Lautem. He said that “There are many challenges and difficulties to why children did not register for birth certificate. The distance to Lautem, transportation fees to go back and forth, lack of knowledge on the importance of birth certificates, and some people think that the baptism certificate from the church is much more important than birth certificate.”

ChildFund collaborated with local leaders to share information about why birth registration is important through radio campaigns, SMS messages, brochures and mobilised parents and guardians to attend information sessions in local community centres.

Libernito said that he worked closely with four sub-chiefs to explain to the community why these certificates are important and the difference between a birth certificate and baptism certificate.

“As a village chief I’m proud of that birth registration program. This is the first time we have been able to process birth certificates in Iliomar.”

They also made sure that the birth registration units could be accessed by individuals living with a disability. “There are some people with a disability who were unable to walk to register for their certificate. So, the sub-village chief went to their homes to collect the documentation and will then return with the birth certificate after it has been processed.”

One mother, Felizberta dos Santos, got a birth certificate through the mobile unit for her daughter, Fenizia and her three younger siblings. “I am happy now that I can register my children for a birth certificate without having to travel to Dili,” said Felizberta.

Birth certificates give children a strong start in life. Working with local communities and partners, children like Fenizia can access a birth certificate – giving her the opportunity to attend schools, work, access health care and be counted as part of the population.

This project is supported by the Australian Government through the Australian NGO Cooperation Program (ANCP).

ChildFund Timor-Leste is working with the Alola Foundation to support men in the Liquica District to have better conversations around maternal health so that they can better support mothers giving birth and raise strong, healthy children.

Laurindo and Jorge are two fathers taking part in the MenCare training program. The workshops support men in rural and remote areas to grow their knowledge and develop the leadership skills so they can lead their own forums and talk to their peers about maternal health.

The MenCare program empowers men to talk to their peers about maternal and children’s health care. This involves caring for their wife and child immediately after birth, understanding common children’s illnesses and gender equality in the home. This means sharing domestic duties and caring responsibilities evenly.

One man taking part in the MenCare program.

Jorge is a community leader and runs a saving and loan education program in his village. He took part in the MenCare training so he could confidently start conversations about maternal health with other men in his community.

“In the training sessions we focused on group work and learned about a whole variety of health topics. I really appreciated this and was happy to see that I already knew some of the information they were sharing. After the training, I went back and shared what I had learnt with other men in my community.”

The MenCare training in Liquica.

Jorge explained that this training was helpful because the information supports men in the community to help their partners when they have children and that he can already apply what he learned to his own life.

Laurindo is also a role model in his community, sharing what he knew about maternal and children health with his peers, but he knew there were some gaps in his knowledge. After attending the training, he said that he knew more about gender equality and could see ways to apply this knowledge to his own life.

“When we talked about gender there is a saying that men can do women’s work but there are some things that men can’t do like give birth and breastfeed. But we learned that in every other way, men and women are equal and I agree with that,” said Laurindo.

Laurindo said that this training has strengthened his role as a father.

“I have to be honest and sincere as a father. I play with my kids, play football, tell them stories and sometimes take the kids for a walk. I share my experiences with them, I encourage them to study too.”

Fathers like Jorge and Laurindo play a critical role in breaking down gender barriers and raising awareness for maternal healthcare. Through the MenCare training, they have the skills and confidence to have open conversations about maternal health with other men in their areas.

This project is supported by the Australian Government through the Australian NGO Cooperation Program (ANCP).