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Last time you were here, you were looking to help vulnerable children and families. Your support can save and change lives.

Nine-year-old Kon lives in a remote village in rural Laos, only accessible by winding dirt roads through mountainous terrain. Kon lives with a physical disability that makes walking difficult.

When he was 18 months old, his parents noticed he wasn’t walking like the other children his age. A doctor told them that a bone in his ankle had not developed properly and wouldn’t be able to support his weight to walk. The only solution was surgery, but unfortunately his parents couldn’t afford it.

Kon’s parents are both farmers and often leave the house at dawn and return home at sunset. Sometimes they stay in the field overnight if it is too late to travel home. With his parents busy working to provide the necessities for the family and Kon’s inability to walk, this has meant he hasn’t been able to go to school.  

While his friends are at school, Kon stays at home to care for his younger brother and sister, often doing housework like laundry, and tidying the house. He gets around by crawling. However, Kon doesn’t let his disability keep him from living and making the most out of his life. Much like other children his age, he is a lively young boy with plenty of energy and playfulness.

In his spare time, he and his friends explore the village, crawling through bushes, and through mud. He always returns home smiling, with blisters and scrapes on his knees.

In January Kon received a walking aid from ChildFund in Laos. He learned how to use the walking aid through various warm-up exercises and techniques. Local partner Walking Aids for Children with Disability Association (ACDA) checks in on his progress every two months.

This walking aid now means Kon can soon start going to school on his own. He is excited to start first grade. He was particularly looking forward to learning mathematics. When asked why, he said, “I like mathematics because it’s useful. It’s something I’m good at. I already use it whenever I buy food at the store, and it is something I can use every day.” 

With the help of his friends and family, Kon’s mobility has significantly improved in a short time. “I don’t get tired at all using the walking aid. In fact, I’m always very, very happy whenever I use it. As for my dreams for the future, I don’t really know what I want to be yet. Right now, all I want is to be able to go to school. Every day I see my friends going and I hope I get to join them soon.”  

ChildFund in Laos’ Better Outcomes for Inclusive Learning (BOIL) project works in collaboration with government partners, ACDA, school management, and primary teachers to improve the capacity for providing disability inclusive education.

The project includes equipping school management and local government authorities with the capacity to plan, monitor, and support quality inclusive education. Parents and caregivers are supported to provide inclusive learning environments for boys and girls, including children with disabilities.  

This project is supported by the Australian Government through the Australian NGO Cooperation Program (ANCP).

This World Water Day, ChildFund in Laos is working across rural and remote of the country to ensure that children and young people can access safe, clean water in their homes.

Khamdee, 30-years-old, is a mother to three young children and lives in a remote village in Huaphanh province, her home perched on top of the steep slope of the mountains. She walks up to nine kilometres every day to provide safe water to her family.

In 2015 a water tank was built by the community near her home, but it wasn’t big enough to supply water to all 300 homes in the village and over time the tank cracked and broke down.

Many children in the village were sent by their parents to collect water from a nearby stream. But Khamdee knows how dangerous and difficult this trip could be and has never allowed her children to make the journey.

“Carrying water all the way back home is heavy,” she said. “The stream is in the lowlands, about four kilometres away from my home. Sometimes we must walk eight kilometres to get enough water. My husband and I have to carry two 18L barrels each twice a day — once in the morning before we head to the farm, and another after coming back home in the evening.”

Some days, she would have to make three trips so everyone in her family could have safe drinking water and water for hygiene. This placed a significant burden on Khamdee, who is already responsible for her young children, and running her household and the family farm. She said every day was exhausting.

ChildFund in Laos partnered with local authorities and organisations to rebuild the water tank and create a plumbing system in Phoupied village so that every household could have access to safe, running water at any time of day.

They also installed a water meter in each household to monitor water usage. Each household pays for how much water they use and these funds are then used to maintain the water tank and plumbing system, to ensure it is sustainable.

“I was so happy when I heard that a new water tank was going to be constructed for our village,” said Khamdee. “To have running water available in our homes is amazing. I can cook, do our laundry, bathe, and have clean and safe drinking water to give to my children anytime.”

In partnership with Save the Children, CARE, and Comité de Coopération avec le Laos (CCL), the ‘Sustainable Change Achieved through Linking Improved Nutrition and Governance’(SCALING)project seeks to improve food, water and nutrition security among rural areas in the Huaphanh Province.

The project focusses on improving nutrition in adolescent girls, and pregnant and lactating women. ChildFund’s SCALING activities is funded by the European Union and works in three villages and a total of 14 districts in Huaphanh.