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Last time you were here, you were looking to help vulnerable children and families. Your support can save and change lives.

For children born with disability in rural Cambodia, their parents often fear they will be left behind and try to conceal their child’s disability. Sokchea, 16, was born into a poor family in Battambang province. She was born with physical and intellectual disability.

“She had a poor memory,” said her mother, Vy, a widow with six children. “She would often lose her temper and act aggressively against me. She started school two years later than everyone else and I find it hard to be optimistic about her education.”

Sokchea’s physical disability made attending school difficult. “I was terrified when I first started school because people were afraid of me, and I was bullied. I didn’t want to go to school anymore,” she said.

ChildFund Cambodia is working with local organisations and authorities to help improve the lives of children with disabilities through the Disability Empowerment and Education Project (DEEP). The project seeks to empower children with disability to be confident in claiming their rights, particularly to an education. It also works with teachers, parents, local decision-makers so that children with a disability are prioritised in community plans.

“The project started in my school in 2020 and it helped change the way my teachers and parents saw children with disability. It taught them not to discriminate against them but to care for them. Parents were more comfortable bringing their children to school and we currently have 13 students with some form of disability enrolled here,” said Mr. Som, the principal at Sokchea’s school.  

“I told my students not to discriminate against those with disabilities,” said one teacher. “I strive to integrate students with and without disabilities, so that they can learn and play together.”

Because of the efforts from her teacher to create a friendly, safe classroom for Sokchea, she now has friends and enjoys school. “No one wanted to play with me or even sit with me before, but now I have a close pal. During recess, she always plays with me. I’m in such a good mood that I want to go to school every day,” she said.

Through the project Sokchea and other children with a disability can meet with local authorities and decision-makers to express the challenges that they face in the community and put forward solutions to these issues.

In the year since the project began, it has supported children with disability to attend school, gain the confidence to make their voices heard by decision-makers and support them to achieve their full potential in society.

Over the next three years the project will help 230 children with disability across two districts in the Battambang Province. ChildFund is working with two local organisations, Cambodian Disabled People Organization (CDPO) and Khmer NGO for Education (KHEN) to implement the project.

This project is funded by Barnfonden with support from Sida funds through ForumCiv.

This World Teachers’ Day, 5 October, we’re celebrating all types of teachers in remote Cambodia who are supporting children like 10-year-old Chantey to stay in school and access a quality education.

Through a three-year program, ChildFund Cambodia has worked with local partners to equip teachers and student tutors with the skills to motivate children to learn in a safe and healthy environment.

Chantey had a hard time at school. She said that young girls like her had little access to hygiene facilities and that she was bullied by some of the older students. She reported these incidents to her teachers, but they didn’t take any action and she didn’t feel safe in school.

Then Chantey and her family heard about a new school built by the community with support from ChildFund. She was ready for a change and decided to give the school a go and, in this new setting, she thrived.

“I love my new school’s environment, better teachers, playground, canteen, sport area, more friends and modern library,” she said happily.

Through the project, the community built libraries, ensured access to clean water, provided training to school leadership and increased community engagement.

Training and upskilling teachers has been a significant element of building these community friendly schools. After participating in the training, Manich, a first-grade teacher, said “as I am a newly graduated teacher, the project trained me in many different teaching techniques, including fun techniques, how to measure students’ progress, and how to identify the level of reading capabilities of students and how to help them regardless of what level they are at.”

This education project focusses on setting these schools up for long-term success. This means developing student councils as a youth leadership program to support school management and teachers to improve their schools and support students who are struggling with the curriculum.

Sopheaney, 13-years-old, is the President of Wat Cheng primary school’s student council. She tutors the younger students when her teacher is busy and says she was “delighted to share knowledge with younger students.” Sopheaney is one of the 27 young tutors who works to help her peers keep up with the curriculum. 

“She teaches me very well and I enjoy studying with her since we are like sisters,” said Vimean, an 8-year-old student Sopheaney tutors.

Whether it’s a student tutor or a trained teacher, teachers are the backbone of the school system and can inspire their students to undertake higher education. To date, ChildFund Cambodia has supported 250,000 children to stay in school through the COVID-19 pandemic.

This project is supported by the Australian Government through the Australian NGO Cooperation Program (ANCP).