Lisa is an experienced media, brand, and digital marketing strategist. Lisa has held executive leadership roles in Brand, Marketing & Communications across media, broadcast and in the not-for-profit sector for over twenty years. Currently Lisa is the Director, Brand, Marketing & Communications for The Benevolent Society. Previously held positions as the Strategic Business Director for Lee Media & Co, and General Manager, Marketing & Communications ABC Commercial and Head Corporate Marketing for Australian Broadcasting Corporation. Lisa completed executive MBA in 2011. She is a member of the Audit, Risk and Nominations committee and the Communications and Marketing committee.
Tureia Sample is an experienced lawyer specialising in critical infrastructure, supply chain and governance projects particularly in the communications, transport, health and energy sectors. She is a partner at PwC, and previously held senior executive roles at SBS including Company Secretary and Director of Corporate Affairs. Prior to that she worked as a lawyer with Allens Linklaters (Sydney and Hong Kong). Tureia is a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors. Tureia was born and grew up in Papua New Guinea and spent a number of years studying and working in Japan. Tureia joined the ChildFund Australia board in June 2021 and is a member of the Program Review Committee.