EU commits K3.4m to address family and sexual violence in Papua New Guinea

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Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea, 15 December 2014: Efforts to end violence against women and children in Papua New Guinea received a significant boost today, with the European Union (EU) announcing it will provide K3.4 million in funding to support the work of ChildFund Papua New Guinea in addressing family and sexual violence, with City Mission as the key partner.

The agreement was signed today, Monday 15 December, at a ceremony held at the ChildFund PNG office in Port Moresby.

The endemic violent abuse of women and children is recognised as the most pressing human rights issues in PNG. It is estimated over two-thirds of women in PNG will suffer domestic or intimate-partner violence in their lifetime. This extends to sexual and physical violence against children, with girls especially vulnerable.

Through its support of HOPE: A Haus for Protection and Empowerment Project, the EU recognises a clear need to strengthen the capacity of on-the-ground services related to prevention and response, in both urban and rural areas of PNG.

Under the project, ChildFund PNG will work in partnership with the City Mission-run women’s refuge Haus Ruth in Port Moresby to improve the services and support available to child and adult survivors of violence. Activities will include upgrading and expanding the accommodation available to provide safe refuge, including the provision of child-friendly facilities and services.

ChildFund PNG will also invest funds in training and supporting community-based human rights defender groups in urban and rural areas, such as local advocacy networks, church representatives, safe house staff, community members and survivors, to provide increased protection, refuge and remedial services. Further, an outreach team will be established to engage community and government stakeholders and improve coordination of services.

This project builds on ChildFund PNG’s experiences working on child rights and community outreach since 2005. ChildFund’s current program activities include the development of a national hotline to assist survivors of family and sexual violence, working with male counselling and male support groups, sexual and reproductive health education, and the trialling of early education techniques in respectful relationships.

It also builds on City Mission Haus Ruth’s experience providing safe refuge since 2003. Previous EU support to Haus Ruth resulted in increased accommodation capacity, staff levels and staff training, and expanded relations with other service providers, NGOs and the private sector.

Manish Joshi, ChildFund PNG’s country director, said: “This project will significantly improve the services and support available to assist survivors of family and sexual violence in Papua New Guinea. It will not only generate greater awareness of the protections available but provide effective avenues for help, with a particular focus on strengthening child protection and promoting the rights of women and children.”

Maria Cruz Cristibal, Charglo d’Affaires a.i. of the European Union Delegation, said the launch of the EU-funded project HOPE is timely, following the recent observance of Human Rights Day, which called for more action to address violence against women and children in Papua New Guinea.

“The HOPE project aims to bring a window of hope to many children and women that suffer, or are threatened by, violence and its lasting consequences. Each society must address its own challenges, must build its own solutions; by supporting HOPE, the European Union aims to make a contribution to a goal that only Papua New Guineans can achieve,” she said.

The EU welcomes the partnership with ChildFund PNG and City Mission and wishes them a successful implementation.

ChildFund Papua New Guinea, in partnership with the Family and Sexual Violence Action Committee (FSVAC) of PNG, will work together for the next five years to develop PNG’s first national counselling service offering support to survivors of family and sexual violence. This service will provide immediate counselling, information and referral to callers in order to help deal them with their situation. It will be available via a national, toll-free hotline number and will operate 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
With the generous support of the New Zealand Government’s Partnerships for International Development Fund, ChildFund New Zealand and ChildFund Australia, and major corporate partner Digicel, the hotline is planned to go live and be fully operational by late 2015.
FSVAC was established in 2000 to be the principal national body focused on addressing family and sexual violence. ChildFund Papua New Guinea has had an operational presence in PNG since 1995 and currently supports a wide range of child-focused development activities.
FSVAC has passionately advocated for more psychosocial services to be developed for survivors of family and sexual violence and their families, in particular calling for more counselling and referral options. ChildFund has responded to FSVAC’s call and will deliver in partnership with FSVAC a comprehensive counselling and referral hotline service. The hotline will have professional counsellors available up to 12 hours a day and be able to counsel in PNG’s three national working languages.
Callers will have access to:
  • Information and guidance on how to deal with their situation
  • Referrals to the appropriate service providers closest to their location
  • Personal and confidential counselling at the time of their call helping to stabilise their emotions and prepare them to take steps to seek medical care, protection and legal recourse

Manish Joshi, ChildFund PNG’s country director, says: “The development of a hotline has been promoted because of the challenging topography and largely rural nature of PNG. A telephone-based system is ideal for PNG considering over 75% of the population has access to a mobile phone.

“ChildFund will work closely with other INGOs that have existing services for survivors and with provincial Family and Sexual Violence Action Committees (FSVAC) and Family Support Centres. Early next year, ChildFund PNG will be taking up an extensive mapping exercise in four pilot provinces (Central, NCD, Morobe and Chimbu) to assess the services available for survivors of family and sexual violence. This will assist in making effective referrals. For other provinces, the project will rely on available information from FSVAC.”

Further details about the exact go-live date and telephone number will be made public in due course.

Learn more about ChildFund’s work to address family and sexual violence in PNG.

Meet Helen from PNG who was left disfigured in a violent attack. Now she is fighting for women’s rights and standing up against violence