Nancy Tchou

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Nancy Tchou has a finance/law degree and over 15 years experience in investment banking, specializing in infrastructure mergers & acquisitions/investments. She is currently leading the superannuation fund efforts at a global investment bank – capturing the recent trend of superannuation funds fundamentally changing the investment landscape with its significant capital supply. Nancy has significant experience in local and cross-border projects and has led landmark, high profile government strategic reviews and privatisations. Nancy is a member of the Risk, Audit and Nominations Committee

Tureia Sample is an experienced lawyer specialising in critical infrastructure, supply chain and governance projects particularly in the communications, transport, health and energy sectors. She is a partner at PwC, and previously held senior executive roles at SBS including Company Secretary and Director of Corporate Affairs. Prior to that she worked as a lawyer with Allens Linklaters (Sydney and Hong Kong). Tureia is a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors. Tureia was born and grew up in Papua New Guinea and spent a number of years studying and working in Japan. Tureia joined the ChildFund Australia board in June 2021 and is a member of the Program Review Committee.