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World Tuberculosis Day is held annually on 24 of March to raise awareness and educate the public about the global impact of tuberculosis (TB). TB causes devastating health, social and economic consequences around the world, especially in countries like Papua New Guinea. 

Haven’t heard of World Tuberculosis Day? Here’s our guide to what World TB Day is all about, and how you can educate yourself and help raise awareness about this life-threatening infectious disease.

Why do we celebrate World Tuberculosis Day?

March 24 is the anniversary of the day scientist Dr Robert Koch, discovered the cause of TB, the TB bacillus in 1882. This discovery was groundbreaking and led to the diagnosis and successful treatment of the disease. 

A century later, the United Nations declared that this date would be commemorated as World Tuberculosis Day, to raise awareness and educate the public about the impact of tuberculosis.

What is tuberculosis (TB)?

TB is an infectious disease that attacks the lungs, however, it can also affect other parts of the body, such as the brain, kidneys or spine. It is highly contagious and spreads from person to person through the air via coughs, sneezes, and when the bacteria is released into the air during conversation.

According to the World Health Organisation, a total of 1.5 million people died from TB in 2020 and it is one of the top ten causes of death around the world. Over 95% of cases and deaths occur in developing countries. The WHO also stated that worldwide, TB is the 13th leading cause of death and the second leading infectious killer after COVID-19 (above HIV/AIDS).

Although a preventable and curable disease, TB is a major cause of illness and death for children in developing countries, where providing treatment is challenging, particularly in remote communities. 

What is the theme for World Tuberculosis Day 2024?

The theme for 2024’s World TB Day is Yes! We can end TB’. This theme raises awareness of the urgent need to invest resources to fight TB and ultimately ramp up the efforts to eliminate the disease.

How you can make an impact on World Tuberculosis Day 2024

If you would like to get involved and make a difference this World TB Day, here are some ideas to get you started: 

1. Spread awareness and start a conversation on social media

To spread awareness about World Tuberculosis Day, one of the best ways is to share relevant information on your Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn accounts. 

We suggest sharing statistics on TB, tuberculosis stories, educational resources or other communication materials that can help to raise awareness of this global disease. You can use the hashtags #WorldTBDay and #ItsTimeToEndTB to spark a conversation. 

2. Educate yourself about tuberculosis

World Tuberculosis Day is the perfect time to learn more about the impact of TB around the world. Visit the official World Tuberculosis Day 2024 page to learn more about the event. There are also a number of resources, stories and videos you can watch on the internet to learn more about TB and its impact.

3. Donate to provide access to treatment

If you want to make a difference and save a child in need, donate to programs that support children living in rural areas of developing countries. You can help them access adequate healthcare and prevent further TB transmissions.

Through ChildFund Australia you can donate a Handwashing Station to a community in need, helping to reduce the spread of infectious diseases.

Support World Tuberculosis Day

Support World Tuberculosis Day this year and make a difference in the lives of children impacted by the disease. 

We believe all children should have the right to adequate healthcare. By spreading awareness, educating yourself or making a donation, you will be helping to combat this disease by improving access to healthcare to reduce the impact TB has on children in developing countries.

The Include a Charity campaign, which is supported by dozens of not-for-profit organisations, aims to encourage more people to leave a charitable gift in their Will, and increase the positive impact we can make as individuals on society.

Research conducted by the Fundraising Institute of Australia shows that the number of Australians leaving gifts in their Wills increased from 7.9 per cent in 2016 to 11 per cent in 2019. To build on this progress, every year the campaign provides important information and guidance on how to leave a lasting legacy during Include a Charity Week (6 – 12 September). 

Read on to learn why gifts in Wills matter for charitable organisations, and the positive impact you can make for future generations.

What is Include a Charity Week?

Include a Charity Week is an annual social change campaign, initiated by the Fundraising Institute of Australia (FIA). The aim of the annual observance is to encourage more Australians to leave a gift in their Will to a charity of their choice, increasing the funds invested in Australia’s non-profit sector, and the impact member organisations can make. 

The campaign relies entirely on the involvement of its charity members, which run their own awareness activities leading up to and during Include a Charity Week. Together, Include a Charity members use this opportunity to raise public awareness of gifts in Wills, and the important difference a legacy can make.

What is a charitable gift left in your Will?

A gift left to a charity in your will is simply that, a gift to your chosen charitable organisation. It is a dollar amount of your choice, bequeathed to a charity whose work you admire. 

You don’t need to be wealthy to leave a gift in your Will. A donation of any amount supports the work of the beneficiary organisation into the future.

What does it mean to leave a donation to charity as a gift in your Will?

It’s time to change the way we think about Will-making. Your Will is your legacy. Of course, every Australian wants to ensure that their loved ones are taken care of, but after you’ve provided for your family and friends you have the opportunity to make a lasting difference in the world

Think about the world you’ve lived in, and how you’d like the world to be in the future. A gift to a charity in your Will is an opportunity to express your wishes for that future, and to support organisations who are working towards realising that dream. 

Did you know that much of charities’ vital income comes from those who leave a charitable gift in their Will? Your legacy contributes towards a reliable and sustainable source of income, which enables organisations like ChildFund Australia to continue its vital work.

How can you support a cause or charity you care about during Include a Charity Week?

We are asking all Australians to take the time to consider leaving a gift in their Will, of any size, to a charity that supports a cause they care about. 

This week is a timely opportunity to start the conversation, do some research, and carefully consider the legacy you’d like to leave for future generations. 

This year, you can take a quiz to find out what type of legend you are. Take the quiz here. And if you are considering leaving a gift to ChildFund Australia, learn more about naming us as a beneficiary and get in touch with Martin Shields, ChildFund Australia Bequest Executive.