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ChildFund and the International Cricket Council (ICC) have announced a new sport for development partnership.

As part of its ongoing commitment to using cricket as a vehicle to raise awareness of important issues, and to contribute to development and social outcomes in communities, the ICC has begun working with ChildFund Australia on a pilot program in Papua New Guinea.

The pilot program – Cricket for Good with ChildFund – will be delivered in schools and villages in Port Moresby, and involves:

  • the creation of an integrated cricket and life skills curriculum;
  • intensive, in-country training program for facilitators in program delivery, with half of all facilitators being female;
  • collection of baseline and endline data of participants and facilitators to measure and define pilot impact, and produce learnings for ChildFund and the ICC.

Jane Livesey, Development Manager – East Asia-Pacific, at Cricket Australia says: “Cricket for Good is the ICC’s global community outreach program and is focused on leveraging the vast power and reach of cricket to positively impact the lives of children and families around the world.

“This includes forging strong partnerships with internationally recognised community organisations, such as ChildFund, to create positive social change through the game of cricket.”

ChildFund Australia has significant experience in the implementation of sport for development programs.  ChildFund Australia CEO Nigel Spence says: “We are very excited to be working with the ICC to bring this integrated cricket and life skills curriculum to children and young people in Papua New Guinea.

“Well-designed sport for development programs are a proven way to achieve positive social outcomes, such as building resilience, youth leadership and gender equity.”

Education has the power to change lives and empower young people. Many girls around the world, particularly those living in developing communities, are excluded from accessing the education they need to break the intergenerational cycle of poverty.. 

Some families cannot afford to send girls to school, and they miss out on an education and the opportunities this provides. Instead of attending school, many are forced to work in unsafe conditions to earn money to support the family, or are vulnerable to child marriage

Our Gift For Good, Scholarship for a Girl changes girls lives forever. When you donate a scholarship you are giving a girl in a developing community the chance to access education. Here’s why you should consider donating this charity gift. 

What does a scholarship provide?

When sending a child to school, a family may have to pay school fees, purchase school uniforms and books. However, these can be expensive for a family that is struggling financially. This can act as an obstacle to girl’s education. 

When you donate our Gift For Good, Scholarship for a Girl, your charitable contribution will pay for her school fees, school uniforms and books. This is everything she needs to be able to have the chance to learn, complete her education and opening up a world of opportunity.

Why do we offer scholarships to girls?

When families cannot afford to send a child to school, often it is their daughters who are most likely to miss out.. Statistics from the United Nations (UN) show that women make up more than two-thirds of the world’s 796 million illiterate people. 

We aim to change this statistic and educate girls in developing communities. Our goal is to provide them with the chance to change their life through access to education, and give them the opportunity to create a better future.

Meet Mandui: A scholarship recipient

Mandui is a girl whose life was changed thanks to a Gifts For Good donor.

Mandui’s mum was struggling to raise three children and could not afford school uniforms or study equipment for Mandui. Mandui was at risk of dropping out of school, until she was given a scholarship from a generous supporter like you to continue her studies. 

As a result, Mandui was able to finish her final exams and graduate. After her final exam she said: “I am much more engaged with my studies and feel happier in school.”

Who could she become?

Every girl should have the opportunity to go to school and determine her future. Your donation will change the course of a girl’s life by allowing her to create a brighter future. 

There is no limit to what she could accomplish: 

  • Teacher: Allow her to inspire the next generation and educate children to feel empowered for their future. 
  • Nurse: She can help to prevent disease and improve the health of people in her community, while giving her patients the care they deserve. 
  • Doctor: Let her save lives, perform life-changing surgeries and provide treatments to those in need.
  • Artist: Allow her to express herself, provide inspiration, hope and optimism for herself and others for the future. 
  • Anything else she sets her sights on: Your gift will provide her with the freedom and empowerment to choose the life she wants to live.

Educate a girl and change her life

As we mark International Day of the Girl Child on 11 October, there is no better time for you to address gender inequality and donate a Scholarship for a Girl. This life-changing gift will educate a girl and allow her to choose her own path in life.