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21 ways to change the world

If you had the power to change the world, would you? Well what if we told you that you do? 

When we think about changing the world, we naturally want to do something really big and make a massive, but instant impact. While you may not be able to single-handedly end hunger in Africa, or provide all the children in Timor-Leste with malaria nets, there are small ways anyone can change the world every day. 

To show you how with small steps we can all make a big impact, we’ve listed our top twenty-one ways that you can change the world, right now.

You can also print out our infographic to keep the list close at hand for your reference.

Change the world by being a better you

Change starts with us and how we ourselves behave in the world:

1. Smile at a stranger

2. Forgive and don’t hold grudges

3. Be yourself, unapologetically

4. Be willing to offer help

5. Practice gratitude for the good things in your life

6. Think before you speak

Change the world by helping others

When we are grounded, and sure of ourselves, we can help and support others:

7. Stand up for someone who is being treated unfairly

8. Call someone you know out of the blue

9. Celebrate other people’s success and achievements

10. Learn more about how and where your clothes are made

11. Rescue an animal from a shelter

Change the world by choosing and supporting a cause

We can help people we don’t know, but who need our support, in small and easy ways:

12. Start a corporate giving program at work

13. Donate to a relevant charity 

14. Ask for a charity donation instead of gifts for Christmas

15. Be active about your cause on social media

Change the world by helping the environment

Taking small steps to respect our environment can have a big impact: 

16. Put all your rubbish in the bin

17. Recycle papers and cans

18. Pick up trash you see in the streets

19. Print fewer documents to help the trees

20. Turn off unused power points to save electricity

21. Drink from a reusable coffee cup or drink bottle

Want to change the world?

It only takes a small act of kindness to change the world. By committing to any of the actions we have listed below, you can make an impact on someone’s  life. If we all took such small steps together, it would be a large step for the entire human race towards a better world.

To make a difference and change a life right now, in less than a few minutes, donate to our current appeal, and help those most in need live fearlessly. 

You can also take an exciting and rewarding leap into child sponsorship. Help a child grow up fearlessly, with a monthly donation to provide them with proper nutrition, safe water, access to education  and healthcare. Why? Because every child needs a childhood. 

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