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Did you know that a child goes online for the first time every half second?

In today’s rapidly evolving world, digital literacy is no longer a luxury, but a necessity. Yet, for many kids, particularly those living in remote communities or who might be the first ones in their family to be coming online, access to technology and the knowledge to navigate it safely remains a significant challenge.

With internet connectivity comes unprecedented opportunities for children to communicate, learn, socialise and play. But with these opportunities come serious risks. This is why educating children about online risks can be a game-changer.

ChildFund’s Swipe Safe program, our fun and easy face-to-face training program and app, supports children to navigate the online world with kindness, respect and safety. First launched in Vietnam in 2017, Swipe Safe has since reached 60,000 children and expanded to six other countries across the Asia-Pacific, including Cambodia, Timor-Leste, the Solomon Islands, Fiji, Indonesia and Australia.

The program and curriculum also provide resources for parents, caregivers, teachers and child protection professionals so that they feel equipped with the tools and knowledge they need to support children’s online safety at home and in schools.

Keep reading to learn more about how we are working with students to improve their digital skills and take control of their online lives.

Empowering Cambodian Students Through Digital Literacy

From cyberbullying and harassment to misinformation and privacy violations, kids face a range of challenges online. For fourteen-year-old Solita from Cambodia, these aren’t abstract concepts; they are a reality her and her friends have experienced.

“My friend’s Facebook account was hacked, and they received bullying comments. Before, we wouldn’t have known what to do,” shares Solita. 

Recognising that simply providing access to technology isn’t enough, ChildFund, in partnership with the Cambodian Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport, is preparing students like Solita with the skills they need to be safe online.

Student attending digital literacy lesson.

ChildFund’s “Improve Digital Competency in Education” project has brought vital digital literacy, financial literacy, and online safety curriculums to 17 schools in Phnom Penh and Kandal province reaching 20,000 students. By focusing on three key areas, including upgrading school digital facilities, strengthening teaching on online safety, and raising awareness about digital literacy, we are helping to bridge the digital divide and prepare students for the future.

As Bunhan, a Teach for Cambodia fellow, explains, “I didn’t realise the enormous consequences of online activity for young students before receiving ChildFund’s online safety training. Students can easily fall victim to cybercrime and online abuse. Many then do not know how to report. Now, I confidently share internet safety knowledge with my students and encourage them to report issues using the hotline numbers in their textbooks.”

Thanks to trainings led by teachers like Bunhan, Solita learned how to confidently and safely navigate the online world, and she then helped her friends do the same.

“After learning about online safety, I was able to help them. I told them how to block the hacker and remove the hurtful comments,” she explains.

As a school director, Sithy has seen firsthand the impact of digital literacy on her students. “Regardless of the specific digital skills,” she says. “It’s incredibly important. It improves students’ ability to learn about technology, which is essential in today’s world. It also prepares them for higher education and gives them the foundation for future success. When they go on to further studies, they’ll already have a strong grasp of computer technology.”

With your support, we are creating a safer and more enriching online environment for Cambodian students. By arming them with the knowledge and skills to navigate the digital world responsibly, we’re not only improving learning outcomes but also empowering a generation to become confident and informed digital citizens. It’s a testament to the power of investing in digital literacy and a crucial step towards ensuring that no child is left behind in the digital age.

Learn more about our work in Cambodia.