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Today, on World Teachers’ Day, we’re celebrating two passionate educators dedicated to raising awareness about online safety and helping students navigate the digital world.

At first glance, you might think Ms. Phương and Ms. Lia have little in common. They are separated geographically (Vietnam and Indonesia, respectively) and have grown up with different languages and cultures. However, they have common ground. Not only are they both teachers dedicated to supporting students’ growth and development, but today, they are recognised as leaders in online safety education.  

Ms. Phương and Ms. Lia knew as educators and role models in their communities, they could help empower students to navigate the digital landscape responsibly. Recognising the need to better connect with, manage, and teach their students in our increasingly technological world, they decided to attend ChildFund’s online safety training program, Swipe Safe.

Here’s what happened.

In Vietnam, an opportunity to make a difference

Ms. Phương, a young and dynamic teacher, joined Hợp Giang Secondary School, the largest in Cao Bằng province, with over 1,600 students, in 2020. Two years later, she found herself as the team leader for Swipe Safe, which had been introduced in secondary schools across Cao Bằng to help raise awareness about online safety and provide practical knowledge on how students, with the support of their teachers and families, can protect themselves from online risks like cyberbullying and inappropriate content.

Despite not knowing much about online safety herself, Ms Phương was excited to take up the challenge of upskilling and integrating a completely new curriculum and topic into her teaching toolkit. It was an opportunity to make a difference.

Ms. Phương’s digital journey began with Swipe Safe training workshops. Over two days, she learnt how to identify and use technology confidently, creatively and critically to meet the demands and challenges of living, learning and working in our digital world. With her professionalism, love of learning and dedication to her job, it surprised no one that Ms. Phương excelled in the training sessions.

She wasted no time integrating her new learnings into her classes, using various resources, including animated films and sample lessons provided by ChildFund, to help educate her students on the importance of online safety. Her innovative methods made her the first teacher in Cao Bằng province to implement the Swipe Safe program across all secondary schools.

Ms. Phương, teacher, Vietnam
Ms. Phương teaches students about online safety in primary school in Cao Bằng province.

Ms. Phương’s commitment to online safety extends beyond the classroom. She has effectively translated her sense of responsibility and openness to learning to students, parents and local authorities. This includes leading online safety teaching sessions for representatives from nine secondary schools, organised by the Cao Bằng Department of Education. Following their success, she was selected to conduct online safety training for teachers across the province.

Beyond her teaching duties, Ms. Phương acts as a counsellor for her school’s Young Bamboo group, which focuses on organising online safety activities for students. Under her guidance, students successfully integrated online safety messages into extracurricular activities, gaining valuable teamwork and public speaking skills. One notable event, held in collaboration with the People’s Police Academy, attracted over 1,000 attendees.

D., a year 8 student at Hợp Giang, shared her experience as a Young Bamboo leader, highlighting Ms. Phương’s support in planning and executing online safety activities.

“At the beginning of the school year, I was very worried because my friends and I didn’t know where to start when speaking about internet safety to more than 1,600 students,” says D.

“Ms. Phương helped our group a lot, from teaching us how to plan activities to organising those activities and integrating them into extracurricular events such as flag-raising ceremonies or group work in class. She also taught us teamwork and presentation skills. As a result, we have done very well in the communication campaigns about internet safety, which our group is responsible for.”

With the support and guidance of dedicated teachers like Ms. Phương’, Hợp Giang Secondary School has integrated online safety education into 500 lessons for 1,200 students in the last year alone. The school has also held four online safety workshops for 300 parents, students, and 69 teachers in the broader community.

In Indonesia, embracing change to bridge the gap between generations

Mrs. Lia has seen a lot of change as a high school Guidance Counsellor and teacher in Semarang, Indonesia. But no more so than navigating technology, which has reshaped the educational landscape and how teachers and students interact.

“The use of technology is unavoidable in education. Exams and assignments are now online. Educators must adapt whether we like it or not,” says Mrs. Lia.

Mrs. Lia vividly described the changing dynamics in education, emphasising the shift from traditional challenges of dealing with misbehaving or disengaged students to the contemporary struggle of addressing technology addiction, specifically related to gadgets and the internet. She highlighted the perceived gap between educators and students, attributing it to the slower adaptation of teachers to emerging technologies.

Mrs. Lia, teacher and Swipe Safe facilitator in Semarang City.
Mrs. Lia is now a proud “Swipe Safe facilitator” and leader for online safety education in Semarang City.

Despite her school taking proactive measures to address these issues, Mrs. Lia found the steps taken (the school implemented restrictions on mobile phone use during learning hours, with students required to store their phones in designated lockers) were limited and centred solely on restricting students’ access to gadgets and the internet. Teaching students’ self-protective behaviour, she believed, would be far more impactful than merely limiting their internet access. After all, she knew that there were many benefits of having access to online learning materials 

So, Mrs. Lia began researching new ways to address the challenges her school and students faced. Her quest led her to ChildFund’s Swipe Safe program.

In 2023, she participated in Swipe Safe online safety training, which gave her a deeper understanding of internet-related risks for children, including issues like online grooming and cyberbullying. It was a revelation that prompted Mrs. Lia to realise the close proximity of online safety risks to the lives of the children she mentored. She quickly began integrating the Swipe Safe learning material into her classroom, utilising visual aids like video and PowerPoint to create engaging and relatable content.

The enthusiasm of students has been remarkable. Mrs. Lia says her students have found topics highly relevant to their daily lives and voluntarily share their online experiences, bringing real-world relevance to the discussions. She hopes to continue to help students address issues related to internet safety for themselves and their friends – life skills for the digital age.

Empowering educators for lasting impact

While they don’t share a classroom, Ms. Phương and Ms. Lia both share an unwavering dedication to education. Their stories testify to the importance of providing teachers with the training and resources to help nurture children’s development and life skills so they become responsible citizens – online and offline.

Learn more about Swipe Safe and find out how you can help children worldwide stay safe online.

World Teachers’ Day 2024, held every year on 5 October, is an opportunity to celebrate all the incredible teachers dedicated to supporting children and young people for future success in all aspects of life. This is a day to acknowledge the contribution that teachers make in our lives, and to our schools and communities, but also the challenges they face globally. 

A day to recognise and appreciate teachers  

For Carolina, a local community-based pre-school teacher in Lautem municipality, Timor-Leste, World Teachers’ Day is a chance to stop and reflect on the important role of teachers around the world. It is time to show gratitude and appreciation for their hard work and dedication to children’s education.  

“World Teachers’ Day is very special to us because it shows that all the communities are appreciating, recognising, and valuing our dedication, efforts, and hard work to support children to have a better future and for Timor-Leste to have a bright future,” she says.   

“Teachers are the foundation for learning and education.”

Carolina, preschool teacher, Timor-Leste
Carolina teaching a student the alphabet in Lautem municipality, Timor-Leste.

Teaching is something that has always been close to Carolina’s heart. Ever since she was a little girl all she ever wanted was to be a teacher because it meant that she could share her knowledge to help educate children and set them up for future success. After all, without teachers there would be no other profession!  

“Teachers are the foundation for learning and education,” she says. “Without teachers, many people would not have work or careers.”  

Her message for World Teachers’ Day – to all the teachers – is very simple: “Please continue to stay committed and patient when teaching children. Children are very smart. We must treat children equally. Do not discriminate against children based on their skin colour, race, religion and gender, we need to embrace them all and work together with them.”  

When is World Teachers’ Day?

World Teacher’s Day 2024 will be held on Saturday 5 October. 

What is World Teachers’ Day about?

In 1994, UNESCO established World Teachers’ Day with the aim to celebrate the advance in teachers’ rights made in recent decades. 

In 1966, an intergovernmental conference in Paris adopted the UNESCO/ILO (International Labour Organisation) Recommendation about the Status of Teachers. This recommendation sets out not only the responsibilities and rights of teachers, but also international standards for teachers’ initial preparation, further education, employment, recruitment, and learning and teaching conditions. 

What is the theme of World Teachers’ Day 2024?

The theme for World Teachers’ Day 2024 is “Valuing teachers’ voices: towards a new social contract for education”.

This year’s focus underscores the urgency of calling for and attending to teachers’ voices to address their challenges but, most importantly, to acknowledge and benefit from the expert knowledge and input that they bring to education. 

What does this mean? Teachers are instrumental in preparing future generations; they help teach important lessons and life skills that can make the world of difference down the track. However, there is severe lack of respect for the profession, which is extremely challenging in and of itself. Currently, low pay, burnout, inadequate classroom resources and insufficient support and recognition are all contributing to a concerning shortage of teachers globally.

It is critical that we acknowledge the expert knowledge and input that teachers’ bring to education, and see their role in helping us to create a better future for us all. Integrating their perspectives into educational policies and fostering a supportive environment for their professional development is key. We must better value, better train and better support teachers if we are to achieve the goal of providing primary and secondary education for all by 2030. 

How can you help support teachers and celebrate this World Teachers’ Day?

In developing communities, it can be difficult for teachers to access learning opportunities and teaching supplies. A monthly donation to ChildFund can provide teachers with the training and resources they need to continue to support children’s education.  

A donation to our girls’ education appeal can also make a huge difference for thousands of girls and their families and communities. You can help girls go to school and learn, give local teachers training and support, improve classrooms, and build school playgrounds and toilets. 

Alternatively, you can donate World Teachers’ Day-themed gifts from Gifts for Good range. World Teachers’ Day gifts include a school supplies set, or a bright future bundle can provide a child with everything they need to attend and participate in school. 

You can also spread the word about World Teachers’ Day in Australia and worldwide on social media. Use #worldteachersday to raise awareness and encourage family and friends to participate too.