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Last time you were here, you were looking to help vulnerable children and families. Your support can save and change lives.

All children have the right to participate in society and have their voices heard. You can give children and youth the confidence to share their opinions and to participate in family and community decision-making on issues which affect them.

Teaching Life Skills

In Papua New Guinea, Hera is supporting her peers to develop crucial life skills and rights awareness that promote respectful relationships and non-violent conflict resolution. Teaching alongside other trained youth facilitators participating in the Stop Violence, Promote Peace project, Hera teaches young people in her community how to manage and overcome the challenges they face.

“I learn a lot from this group. We’re like a family.”


Did you know?

Students who receive Social & Emotional Learning training are 42% less likely to be involved in physical aggression in schools.

Your Donation Makes an Impact by:

  • Increasing children’s involvement in clubs and sport to encourage interests, instil teamwork, and build confidence.
  • Giving young women opportunities and support to develop their leadership skills and take leadership roles in their communities.
  • Establishing child-to-child peer education networks to support relationship-building and collaboration.
  • Promoting access to quality education, accessible classrooms,
    and social participation to support disability inclusion.