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I see the impact of sponsorship in Raphael

I see the impact of sponsorship in Raphael

In 1995, when teacher Michael Coorey took on the role as house master at Bankstown Grammar School (now called Georges River Grammar) in Sydney’s West,  he knew he wanted to do something different…

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Sponsorship brings hope in Sri Lanka

Sponsorship brings hope in Sri Lanka

10-year-old Vijayakumaratharun (nicknamed Tharun) and his mum, Ithayakala, live in a rural village in Batticaloa in eastern Sri Lanka. Batticaloa district is a popular tourist destination, famous for…

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New hope in the highlands of Ecuador

New hope in the highlands of Ecuador

A road through the Andes ranges in Ecuador rounds mountainous curves that stretch higher and higher, with each new view more spectacular than the last. The countryside is a tapestry of green hues…

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Visiting Benjamin was the highlight of our entire trip

Visiting Benjamin was the highlight of our entire trip

Camping under the stars in the Serengeti may sound pretty special, but for Aussie couple John and Di Dempsey, who have been sponsors with ChildFund for almost 30 years, even that was no match for the…

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