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Donations in Action - Sewing Machines

Donations in Action - Sewing Machines

For one community in Kenya, the struggle to educate, feed and shelter their children, as well as meet their medical requirements, gave birth to the Mwitikua self-help group. The members identified…

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Donations in Action - Cow, Indonesia

Donations in Action - Cow, Indonesia

The gift of a cow can change the future of a family living in poverty. Families who receive livestock are also given a training to take care and breed the livestock, so in the future the families can…

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Donations in Action - Business Loans, Vietnam

Donations in Action - Business Loans, Vietnam

A small amount of cash can be used to make a big difference in developing communities. Ms. Phuong in Vietnam received a small business loan through the ChildFund Credit and Savings Program and has…

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Donations in Action - Employment Training, Timor-Leste

Donations in Action - Employment Training, Timor-Leste

Children, families and communities in East Timor have suffered greatly in recent history. Houses, livelihoods, public facilities and schools were destroyed in the 2006 Independence Crisis but the…

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