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My babies need support to survive this drought

My babies need support to survive this drought

Emergencies Africa

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Why children and families living in poverty are more heavily affected by the COVID-19 pandemic

Why children and families living in poverty are more heavily affected by the COVID-19 pandemic

Infectious diseases like COVID-19 can have a detrimental and long-term impact on children in the countries where ChildFund works, communities that are already vulnerable because of poverty. The…

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COVID-19 response: connecting mothers and families in rural Timor-Leste

COVID-19 response: connecting mothers and families in rural Timor-Leste

A mobile application is helping mothers and their families living in remote and rural communities in Timor-Leste stay safe during the COVID-19 pandemic. This is how we’re using the Liga Inan…

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Liberia declared free of Ebola

Liberia declared free of Ebola

Emergencies Africa

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Children face hunger as locust plague sweeps through Africa

Children face hunger as locust plague sweeps through Africa

As the world moves to fight the unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic, thousands of children in Africa are going hungry as a locust plague destroys critical farmland.

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One year on: thriving after floods in Laos

One year on: thriving after floods in Laos

A year has passed since Lao teenager Khied experienced the “most terrible nightmare imaginable”. The collapse of a dam in Attapeu in July 2018 caused flash flooding into Khied’s small village…

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