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Connecting children in Timor Leste and Australia

Connecting children in Timor Leste and Australia

What’s it like to be a young person in different parts of the world? And what do kids actually want to learn about life in other countries? These are some of the questions being answered through…

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Laos: Clearing bombs to make way for schools

Laos: Clearing bombs to make way for schools

As the Country Manager here in Laos, I get to see a whole range of development issues in play from the national level down to the village level. One of the most striking issues for me from my time…

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Donations in Action - School kits, Cambodia

Donations in Action - School kits, Cambodia

Poverty prevents many families in Cambodia from outfitting their children with basic learning materials. Disadvantaged families cannot afford school kits or school uniforms and children standing out…

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Bright lights, big cities and forgotten children

Bright lights, big cities and forgotten children

Rapid economic development in Thailand over the last few decades has lifted millions out of poverty and raised general living standards. Yet fast-paced change and globalization are not without their…

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