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Innovative approach to improving literacy in Cambodia

Innovative approach to improving literacy in Cambodia

Although more children in Cambodia are accessing educational opportunities than ever before, the quality of education in some areas remains poor. Classrooms are not equipped for the learning needs of…

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Reading, one page at a time

Reading, one page at a time

A year after the launch of ChildFund India`s Books, My Friends campaign, we are now able to see what a positive impact the program has made on the lives of children who have been given their first…

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Improving the wellbeing of children in a Timor-Leste school

Improving the wellbeing of children in a Timor-Leste school

Bernadina lives in the Bobonaro district of Timor-Leste. With hopes to become a doctor in the future, she is benefitting from ChildFund-supported programs to improve the health and wellbeing of…

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An education safety-net for children in Vietnam

An education safety-net for children in Vietnam

Thirteen-year-old Mung is from an ethnic minority group and was born in one of the poorest villages in Kim Boi district in rural Vietnam. Sadly her father passed away when she was young. Mung`s…

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