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ChildFund's projects help children with disability

ChildFund's projects help children with disability

Sonepet has never let her disability get in the way of trying new things. So when ChildFund Laos’ Learning Beyond Blackboards project was introduced at her school in Laos, and opened up more…

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Why school is a sanctuary for girls in Kenya

Why school is a sanctuary for girls in Kenya

Mary and Rehema sleep in adjoining bunks at a girls’ dormitory built by ChildFund at a school in Samburu County, Kenya. They’re both 14, and when they get a little older, they both want to work…

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Meeting Timor-Leste’s future teachers, doctors and nurses

Meeting Timor-Leste’s future teachers, doctors and nurses

Timor-Leste is home to over 1.1million people, 70% of whom live in rural areas. Against a backdrop of limited socio-economic growth, children and youth in Timor-Leste particularly those in living rural areas experience extreme poverty. The majority of students do not continue schooling after grade four.

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How does illness affect a child’s education?

How does illness affect a child’s education?

Many children have to drop out of school because of serious illness. Without help, they may never be able to get the education they need. I recently treated a seven-year-old boy called Mamopi. Below…

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