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Why poverty is the main driver of child labour

Why poverty is the main driver of child labour

Arun was 13 years old when he lost his left arm while working at a brick factory. His daughter Mony is now the same age and works at the same factory. Around the world 152 million children like…

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Keeping children safe from threats on the internet

Keeping children safe from threats on the internet

As part of its Resilience Adolescents with Integrated Life Skills project in Dawei, ChildFund Myanmar are running a total of 21 training sessions in 10 state schools to educate students on issues such as cyberbullying, oversharing online and how to search for reliable sexual and reproductive health information.

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How children are affected by early marriage

How children are affected by early marriage

Whether it is achieving goals, studying hard or dreaming big, every child needs a childhood. At ChildFund we believe all children should grow up feeling cared for, encouraged and valued, no…

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A child bride's hope for her children

A child bride's hope for her children

Every year millions of girls around the world become mothers and wives before they are ready. Globally, around 21% of young women were married before their 18th birthday, which means that 650…

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