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Three ways young girls are being empowered this International Day of the Girl Child

Three ways young girls are being empowered this International Day of the Girl Child

This International Day of the Girl Child, ChildFund Vietnam is expanding child protection online and offline to empower young girls to be safe in rural and remote areas. We live in a digital age and…

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Digitalisation is transforming child protection services

Digitalisation is transforming child protection services

In 2004, Vietnam’s National Child Helpline (NCHL) was established to make sure child protection is prioritised across the country. Now, ChildFund Vietnam has developed App 111 to make sure that…

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Why we must accelerate progress to end child labour

Why we must accelerate progress to end child labour

2021 is the International Year for the Elimination of Child Labour. While we are making progress on this pervasive issue – child labour has decreased by 38% in the last decade – there are still…

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Ending corporal punishment is essential to creating safe and nurturing learning environments

Ending corporal punishment is essential to creating safe and nurturing learning environments

As a parent it’s hard to accept that so much of our children’s lives are largely beyond our control. We send them off to school with the hope that their teachers will nurture their learning, and…

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