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Vietnam schools make recycling child’s play

ChildFund Vietnam has been helping schools transform their playgrounds, gardens and classrooms using recyclable materials.

In Bac Kan province, in northern Vietnam, 10 new school playgrounds have been built and decorated using old plastics and tyres, providing more than 1000 children with safe and inspiring places to learn and play.

At Quang Phong school, for example, old tyres have been used to make fences, animal figures and play equipment such as seesaws and rocking horses, and old plastic bottles and cans have been used to decorate the school’s gardens.

Parents and teachers have contributed hundreds of hours to building the play equipment and laying out concrete for the school’s new playground. Children at Quang Phong now no longer have to play in the mud and can enjoy a vibrant and fun place to socialise between classes!

Preschools supported by ChildFund in Hoa Binh and Bac Kan provinces have also been busy recycling, turning plastic bottles, cups and CDs into colourful toys and decorations for their classrooms.

Below are some of our favourite photos of the schools’ recycling efforts.

Schoolchildren in Quang Phong enjoy a rocking horse made from an old car tyre.

Thuy, whose five-year-old daughter attends Quang Phong school, turns a tyre into a swan.

CDs have been recycled into toys at Hoa Binh and Bac Kan preschools.

Quang Phong students play on a newly painted seesaw made from an old tyre.

A set of swings made from bamboo and old tyres at Quang Phong.

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