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Last time you were here, you were looking to help vulnerable children and families. Your support can save and change lives.

I became a ChildFund Australia sponsor when I was just 19 years old after landing my first proper job – that was 26 years ago. For me, I have never been sure about having children so I decided that I wanted to sponsor a child who may not have the same opportunities we have here in Australia. As the years have progressed, I have had many different sponsored children from various countries through ChildFund.

I started sponsoring Emmanuel from Mexico seven years ago, after a trip to South America inspired me to sponsor a child from South or Central America. Ever since then I have wanted to visit him and the country, so when the opportunity came up this year for me to go to Mexico, I knew I had to make the trip to meet Emmanuel.

On the day of the visit, my friend and I were picked up by our interpreter and her husband and taken to the community, which was about an hour`s drive away. When we arrived at the project office we found out that ChildFund had been working in the area for 15 years but I was their first sponsor to ever visit! It dawned on me that my visit was a big deal not only for myself, Emmanuel and his family but also for the local ChildFund staff.

Emmanuel, his mother and father, the project director, all of his staff, and the interpreter were all at the local office. We had an entourage of about 10 people! It was such a lovely introduction – they were all so eager to meet me.

After meeting at the project office we all went out for lunch and wandered around the town where we bought ice cream in the main square. The day we visited was actually Mother’s Day, which is a big public holiday in Mexico – I think this made the day even more special as everyone in the town was in such good spirits. We bought Emmanuel’s mum a lovely big bunch of flowers to celebrate the day.

At first everyone was nervous, especially since they had never seen a ‘white’ person in real life before! Although everyone relaxed rather quickly when they realised that my friend and I were laid-back and loved to laugh. I told Emmanuel and his parents that they could ask me anything and boy, did they have a lot of questions! They asked me many questions about Australia and my life here: how do we live? Where do we live? Did I have a job? What is my family like? What do I enjoy doing?

Emmanuel’s mother was particularly interested in what foods we eat here, especially after we brought out a packet of ginger nut biscuits which everyone wolfed down. So I am putting together an Aussie cookbook for her, with all the classic Australian recipes such as lamingtons! We just talked and talked and talked, it was lovely to learn from one another. We realised that even though there are many differences between our lives, there are also a lot of similarities.


What strikes you immediately when visiting river communities in Brazil`s Amazon rainforest is their absolute remoteness. Villages are small, with often fewer than 20 families in residence. There are no roads connecting one community to another – any social interaction must be done by boat. And while the rainforest covers almost 40% of the entire country, less than 2% of Brazil`s total population live here permanently.

In Amazonas where ChildFund Brasil is now working, 98% of the state, which is approximately the same size as Mongolia, is covered in forest. Adding to the sense of isolation is the fact that Amazonas is virtually disconnected from the remainder of the country. A road from here to the southern states was built almost 50 years ago, but has now been entirely reclaimed by the forest. To visit Amazonas now means even Brazilians must board a plane or take a boat journey of many days.

Given these facts, and the sheer density of this jungle, it is not surprising to discover that the Brazilian government estimates that there are around 20 ethnic groups which still have had no contact with the outside world. Ranging in size from 50 to 500 people, the only reason we are aware of their existence is through satellite imaging.