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ChildFund is deeply concerned about the recent spike in COVID-19 cases in Papua New Guinea, and is working with government officials and other non-government organisations in the nation’s capital of Port Moresby and Central Province to ensure children and vulnerable communities are protected.

This includes helping to reduce stigma and break down any barriers that may prevent people from remote communities from getting tested for COVID-19.

ChildFund Papua New Guinea Country Director Bridgette Thorold said: “It is important that people, especially people in remote areas, know how and when to get tested.

“We are extremely worried that this virus could spread to remote villages undetected, and that would be disastrous. That is why we need to continue to educate the public and provide vital health information and advice to families and communities.”

The new lockdown provisions announced by the PNG government last week threaten to further disrupt TB and other essential health programs in the country.

Not only will healthcare workers and organisations like ChildFund be prevented from travelling to rural communities to conduct outreach programs, but children and families will be unable to journey to clinics, which are often located long distances from their homes.

The number of COVID-19 cases in PNG has been growing at an accelerated pace in recent weeks following an outbreak at Port Moresby General Hospital.

A fortnight ago, Papua New Guinea had 11 confirmed cases. That number increased to 32 last Friday, before jumping to 62 confirmed cases on Sunday 26 July 2020.

Although the majority of cases are linked to the hospital, there are concerns the disease is more widespread and that people are not getting tested because they fear discrimination, or have little understanding of the disease and how infectious it is.

ChildFund has been helping to break down these barriers by integrating COVID-19 prevention into all its work.

In recent months, this has included expanding our 1 Tok Kaunselin Helpim Lain, which has now been resourced with additional counsellors to respond to the increased number of calls relating to family violence, while also providing information about COVID-19.

In addition to the health risks posed by the virus, ChildFund has warned of the detrimental impacts of the pandemic on vulnerable children.

A report released by ChildFund Australia in June warned that there may be an explosion of infectious diseases in Papua New Guinea as a result of the diversion of health resources to the COVID-19 response.

The ChildFund report also warned the already overwhelmed health system in PNG will struggle if there is a significant outbreak of COVID-19.

Port Moresby General Hospital, which provides healthcare support to those living in the nation’s capital as well as communities in Central Province, has been forced to scale down its services as a result of the recent COVID-19 outbreak.

“The measures that are put in place to prevent the spread of the disease are essential, but we are concerned that these measures may come at a cost,” Bridgette said.

“PNG already has dangerously low levels of vaccination, and has fewer than 1,000 doctors. For many years now it has been struggling to deal with an ongoing tuberculosis epidemic.

“These services are as important as ever.”

Charity and compassion have been the guiding principles of at least three generations of Judy Browne’s family.

“My father said if you have food for your table to feed your family, you’ve won in this life, and if you have any left over give it to your neighbours,” long-time ChildFund Australia supporter Judy (pictured above) says. “You do not hold on to anything.”

When Judy started her own family, she passed these values on to her own children. She began sponsoring a young boy, Ahmed, who lived in Ethiopia, through ChildFund in 1993. Her oldest son, Buster, was 12 years old at the time; the same age as Ahmed.

For the next nine years, Buster made it his goal to raise money to pay for the sponsorship.

“Buster sold eggs to get the money each month and did odd jobs around the farm for extra money,” Judy says.

“I was over the moon to see Buster supporting Ahmed.”

Through sponsorship photos and letters sent to the family to update them on Ahmed’s progress, Buster learnt that Ahmed had a very different life to his own. Judy remembers Buster being particularly moved by one photo of Ahmed with a ball made from rags.

“Buster said, ‘that’s no good’, and went down to the student representative council at his high school and asked them to fundraise to get Ahmed a soccer ball and a schoolbag,” Judy says.

Weeks later ChildFund Ethiopia sent a photo of Ahmed with his new soccer ball and bag. “It was the most beautiful photo of Ahmed beaming,” Judy says. “The photo was placed pride of place on the school noticeboard for all to see.”