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Last time you were here, you were looking to help vulnerable children and families. Your support can save and change lives.

Hoang Thi Hue is leading and implementing a disability inclusive teaching plan in her classroom in the Cao Bang Province of Vietnam. For the past 10 years, she has taught and looked after three pre-school children with disabilities, but she is particularly proud of the growth of one student, Luc Ngoc Hoan.

Five-year-old Luc Ngoc Hoan lives with epilepsy – a disability that Hue had not come across before. With very little information available she felt ill-equipped to support his needs in the classroom. She would wear gloves to take care of him during seizures because she was afraid of being infected. She often felt helpless, not knowing how to support Hoan or his family.

In August 2020, with support from ChildFund Vietnam, Hue participated in a series of trainings on inclusive education as a part of the ‘My right to education’ project. The trainings gave Hue the knowledge and confidence to create and implement an inclusive teaching plan that would keep Hoan safe while he was learning. After the training, she felt empowered.

At the training she learned how to respond to an epileptic seizure and effective teaching methods to support a disability inclusive environment. Hue designed specific activities based on Hoan’s needs and presented these to the school board. She now spends 30 minutes with him one-on-one teaching literacy, numeracy and improving his communication skills. She also organised for Hoan to have access to foam carpets, so he wouldn’t be hurt if he had a seizure.

Hue has spent time developing a stronger relationship with Hoan’s family, particularly with his mother. Like Hue, Hoan’s family didn’t understand epilepsy or how to support those who experienced it. Hue encouraged Hoan’s mother to attend the same disability inclusion training. This gave her the understanding and knowledge to be able to manage Hoan’s seizures at home. Now he was being supported to thrive at school and in the home environment. Hoan’s mother now collaborates more with the school to ensure he receives a quality education.

With these changes Hoan, can now fully participate in all aspects of school life. Hoan enjoys learning while playing with his teacher and when his mother comes to pick him up, he wants to stay and play longer. Before the training Hue made inclusivity plans on her own, but now she knows they work.

Hue said that “I no longer feel scared, I am confident and proud to help Hoan more and be able to support other children with disabilities. I would love to participate more inclusive education training so that I can improve my teaching skill.”

This project is supported by the Australian Government through the Australian NGO Cooperation Program (ANCP).

ChildFund is committed to partnering with local organisations in the communities where we work, to reduce poverty and achieve long-term improvements in the lives of children and their families.

We believe that working with local partners enhances our capacity to realise children’s rights and improves the effectiveness and reach of the programs we support. Working together, we can harness local knowledge and expertise, ensure community needs are met, and promote transparency and accountability.

In this new series, we will introduce you to our incredible local partners, whose work is changing the lives of children throughout the Asia-Pacific. This week, we spoke with Thy Bunrith of Children’s Action for Development.

When was your organisation established and why?

Children’s Action for Development (CAD) was formed in 2016. We are working to tackle major problems around children’s education in rural Cambodia. In these areas many children do not have the opportunity to learn basic literacy and numeracy skills. They are often taken out of school at a young age to work on the family farm. This leads to many other issues and is a cycle we want to break.

What are the main challenges facing the children and families you work with?

Children face many barriers to accessing a quality education in rural parts of Cambodia. The drop-out rate is high – between 15% to 20%. This means the gap between rich and poor, and the quality of life in urban and rural communities continues to widen. When parents earn just $3-$5 a day, they often can’t afford things like school supplies or transport costs for their children to go to school.

Last year, COVID-19 added new challenges because so many government schools closed for much of the year. While this kept the community safe, it set back children’s education.

What kinds of activities do you implement to overcome these challenges?

We are working to establish both short and long-term strategies to build the capacity and skills of staff, teachers and school directors. This will strengthen organisational governance, and partnerships between schools and local governments, and ensure strong reporting and accounting systems to retain new donors to continue to fund education programs in rural Cambodia

Our education projects are helping to educate communities about the importance of child rights and protection, up-skill teachers, provide support to students at all levels, improve the standards of early education and create scholarship programs. We also support communities with the tools to start their own small businesses such as sewing, handcrafts and scarf weaving. We responded to COVID-19 by providing small group training sessions for teachers to show them how to teach their students online.

How do you monitor the effectiveness of your work?

CAD uses the Child Friendly Schools model to collect data on school dropout rates, student attendance, improvements in children’s grades, the effectiveness of teaching and School Support Committees, and many other basic measures. Child friendly schools are schools that support a fun, safe learning environment, equipped with libraries, playgrounds, technology and empowered teachers.

We have regular meetings with project staff to monitor our activities and evaluate whether they’re effective. We also use this as an opportunity to discuss any challenges and how we are going to fix them. We conduct a monitoring field visit to stakeholders such as schools, parents and local authorities.

How long have you worked in partnership with ChildFund?

We started working with ChildFund in February 2021.

What are the benefits of this partnership?

Through this partnership we have been able to extend the scope of our projects to support more vulnerable children in rural areas. We are also working in collaboration with more key stakeholders to support children to get better education and life skills. We have also been able to improve staff capacity in project and finance management, reporting data collection and school management.  

ChildFund has shared its experience to improve our governance, accountability and transparency in communication, administrative and human resource management. This has helped us to create a better work environment.                                                                                                           

What new initiatives do you have planned for the future?

We already run a small computer training centre, but we want to expand this to improve digital education and Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) programs in primary schools. We want to change the mindset of primary school teachers so that they move from feeling powerless to empowered. This will be done through training, school visits, exchange programs and motivating schools to have yearly festivals to recognise and reward teachers and school leaders.  

What would you consider to be the greatest impact your organisation has had on children, families or communities you work with?

Since we started working, there has been an improved access to education and the student dropout rate has decreased from 15% to 3%. Local school support and management committees are getting involved in school development and social improvement.

The children, teachers and school directors have gained knowledge, experience and leadership skills. This has encouraged them to be much more creative when problem solving. There is also better cooperation from Commune Councils and Village Chiefs who have taken much more ownership and responsibility for schools and communities.

As a staff member of Children’s Action for Development, can you share with us a recent personal highlight from your work?

I think a personal highlight for me has been how we’ve managed and responded to the COVID-19 pandemic. It has made me more proactive when it comes to dealing with a problem and searching for a resolution. I was able to facilitate communication between all partners so that we could continue our work while schools were closed.

During the pandemic we made sure that staff met regularly to talk about the spread of the virus and supported teachers in teaching online. My team and I increased online learning from 30% to 60% after providing training. We also distributed quizzes and learning materials to children who did not have access to a smart phone to help them continue their education.