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International Women’s Day is an annual celebration which recognises the cultural, political and socio economic achievements of women all over the world.

The day also marks a call to action for accelerating gender equality, with important global themes impacting women’s equality explored each year.

While most women in countries like Australia have access to community support, health initiatives and quality education, this is not the reality for many women in developing countries.

This International Women’s Day, ChildFund Australia is focused on supporting maternal and child health in those countries where women are most impacted by a lack of support services.

When is International Women’s Day?

International Women’s Day 2022 is on Tuesday 8 March.

Why is International Women’s Day celebrated?

International Women’s Day has been observed since the early 1900s, but was first celebrated globally by the United Nations in 1975.

The aim of International Women’s Day is to connect women around the world and inspire them to reach their full potential, addressing any gender-based limitations that they may face in achieving this.

The day celebrates the collective power of women past, present and future, and represents and opportunity to:

  • Celebrate the achievements of women worldwide
  • Raise awareness of the issues impacting equality for women
  • Accelerate gender equality through lobbying for change
  • Support fundraising efforts for female-focused causes

With International Women’s Day just around the corner, it’s time to take a look at the issues most impacting equality for women in 2022.

What is the International Women’s Day 2022 theme?

This year’s theme is “Gender equality today for a sustainable tomorrow”.

The United Nations recognises that advancing gender equality in the context of the current climate crisis and disaster risk reduction, is one of the greatest global challenges of the 21st century. The issues of climate change and sustainability are having, and will continue to have, a deeply felt impact on those who are marginalised.

International Women’s Day 2022 recognises that women are increasingly more vulnerable to climate change impacts than men, given that they constitute the majority of the world’s poorest populations. Women are therefore more dependent than men, on the natural resources which are so greatly impacted by climate change.

Solutions to this inequality focus on empowering women and girls around the world to lead the charge on climate change adaptation, mitigation and response, to build a more sustainable future for us all.

What is the International Women’s Day 2022 hashtag?

Whether you’re hosting a morning tea or a Facebook Fundraiser to increase awareness, you can use the hashtag #BreakTheBias in social media posts to let your friends know that you support International Women’s Day 2022.

There are many ways that you can spread awareness of the cause to end gender bias against women. Here are a few ideas:

Host a morning tea

Whether fundraising at school or in the office at work, you can take the time to share morning tea and discuss how you can support international women’s issues. You could suggest a gold coin donation and donate the proceeds to our current appeal.

Create a Facebook fundraiser

Did you know that you can fundraise on Facebook for ChildFund Australia? Set up your own fundraiser and invite family and friends to make a donation supporting International Women’s Day. Create your fundraiser now, and help work towards empowering women on a smaller scale. 

Donate to maternal and child health care

This International Women’s Day, why not support women and children in developing countries through ChildFund? You can donate to maternal and child health, to ensure that women have equal access to vital health care services.

Together we can empower women all over the world to access the care and support needed to thrive in life, regardless of their location.

In a country like Australia, most of us have access to safe communities, education and employment. However, for many families around the world, these opportunities are not as widespread. 

With World Day of Social Justice 2022 just around the corner, it’s time to put the spotlight on developing countries and efforts to help them overcome inequality and uphold the human rights of every individual.

When is World Day of Social Justice?

World Day of Social Justice 2022 is on Sunday, February 20.

What is Social Justice?

So what exactly does social justice mean? The United Nations defines social justice as the underlying principle for peaceful and prosperous coexistence within and among nations.

Essentially, social justice is the view that all people (despite age, race, gender, religion, culture and sexual orientation) have access to economic, political and social rights and opportunities.

Why is World Day of Social Justice celebrated?

In 2007, the United Nations declared that 20 February would be recognised as World Day of Social Justice, with the goal of promoting human rights and shining a spotlight on pervasive global problems, such as gender inequality, unemployment, and poverty.

The General Assembly of the United Nations acknowledges that social justice and social development are indispensable to both achieve and maintain peace and security around the world.

The aim of the day is to promote and generate greater awareness of social justice issues. In addition, the day brings together communities and organisations around the globe in the fight to reduce social injustices in our societies.

What is the World Day of Social Justice 2022 theme?

This year’s theme is “Achieving Social Justice through Formal Employment”.

The COVID-19 pandemic has put a spotlight on the vulnerability of workers involved in informal employment, with more than 60 percent of the world’s employed population earning their livelihoods in the informal economy. 

World Day of Social Justice 2022 recognises that the formalisation of employment is a prerequisite for reducing poverty and inequality worldwide.

A call for social justice in the employment economy is focused on seeking solutions to overcome the divide caused by informal employment; ensuring that people have access to work opportunities that protect labour and human rights in the era of COVID-19. 

What is the World Day of Social Justice 2022 hashtag?

Whether you’re hosting a morning tea or doing a walk-a-thon to raise awareness, be sure to hashtag #WorldDayofSocialJustice to let your friends know it’s World Day of Social Justice.

How can you celebrate World Day of Social Justice this year?

There are many ways you can celebrate World Day of Social Justice 2022. Here are a few ideas:

Host a morning tea

Whether fundraising at school, the office or over zoom, you can take the time to share some sweet treats and discuss social justice issues you’d like to help tackle. You could suggest a gold coin donation and donate it to a ChildFund appeal.

Create a Facebook fundraiser

Did you know that you can fundraise on Facebook for ChildFund Australia? Set up your fundraiser and invite family and friends to donate and help fight inequality. Set up your fundraiser now, and help work towards achieving social justice on a smaller scale. 

Sponsor a child

This World Day of Social Justice, why not help change the life of a child with ChildFund?

You can sponsor a child to ensure they have access to opportunities that will help them to break the cycle of poverty while upholding their human rights. 

Together we can help fight injustice, no matter how small the step is.