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The Sintet Early Childhood Development Center in The Gambia recently received a water filter from ChildFund Germany, a device that provides clean, drinkable water. Before the delivery of the filter on March 18, the center`s staff had to manually filter water from an open well. The center serves 153 children in the western part of The Gambia, near the Senegal border.

The manager of the Eastern Foni Federation, ChildFund`s local partner, and the head of the ECD center expressed delight in the donation, which will make water filtration easier, faster and more reliable. The Gambia has a severe shortage of clean water, and ChildFund has provided filtration systems to several regions in this small country.

Since 1984, ChildFund has supplied safe drinking water to more than 79 percent of the families served in our program areas in The Gambia, as well as helped many build basic sanitary facilities.

ChildFund Ethiopia yesterday handed over a youth friendly Reproductive Health Centre to Sodo Buee Woreda Health Office. The centre is the first in its kind in the area and constructed with the intention of changing the current practice of providing reproductive health (RH) and HIV services for young people at the Buee Health Centre where the youth share the same facilities with adults. The new youth friendly health centre was established based on the need for a youth wellbeing and multi-purpose centre to reduce the stigma youth feel at the original health centre.

The building has various sections such as health services, HIV and AIDS counselling and testing (HCT), recreation, education as well as a standard latrine for both male and female. Privacy and youth friendly spaces were primary considerations in the design of the building.

The centre was constructed with a total of 1.5 million Ethiopian Birr and is also furnished and equipped with different medical supplies and equipment valued at 550,000 Birr. The fund was secured from the Government of Australia through ChildFund Australia.

Mr. Charles Danzoll, the National Director of ChildFund Ethiopia, said the centre will promote the behavioural change of the youth through increased awareness on RH and HIV. He added that the very importance of the centre is to create access for youth to quality RH and HCT services. He expressed the commitment of ChildFund to the continual support of the deprived, excluded and vulnerable children and the community at large.

Ato Mekonnen Shanko, representative from Sodo Buee Woreda Health Office said that ChildFund is known for its long service in the area and ChildFund`s local partners have close relationships with the Health Bureau.

Program Director of ChildFund Ethiopia, Ato Getachew Tesfaye, added that ChildFund has been supporting the Sodo Buee community through various development programs for the past 16 years. ChildFund supports disadvantaged children and the community at large both through sponsorship and grant funding which helps to improve the lives and livelihoods of the community. It works through its local partner, Sodo Buee Child and Family Development Association and in close collaboration with the Ethiopian Government.