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Gender-based violence is a serious concern in many countries, but in Senegal the rates of violence are particularly high.

A recent study found that 74 percent of schoolgirls in Senegal have been sexually harassed, 22 percent have experienced an attempted rape, and eight percent have been raped. Other studies have shown that the people likely to perpetrate this violence are often known to the victim: a classmate, a boyfriend, a neighbour or a teacher.

Gender-based violence, or GBV, is a problem of substantial proportions. It has deep roots in socio-cultural norms due to rigid gender roles, expectations around masculinity and femininity, and power dynamics within the household.

ChildFund Senegal is working with local communities to help them respond to and prevent GBV. Our community-led approach has four steps:

Forming community groups | Self-diagnosing challenges in the community | Developing action plans, and Carrying out action plans.

This year, six child protection groups were set up with ChildFund`s support in two areas of Mbour district in western Senegal. The groups are composed of community members, who are themselves vulnerable to GBV and include both young people and adults.

Between January and June they met to discuss some of the most pervasive GBV issues in their communities. The groups chose to focus on community mobilisation and advocacy with authorities around rape, early and forced marriage and early pregnancy.

14-year-old Mawa’s story is an example of how these child protection groups are already helping girls and women in their communities.

“One day, around 8pm, while I was learning my lessons in my mother’s room, she called me to introduce me to two young men,” recalls Mawa*. “She told me with a very low voice that I should be very kind with one of the men because he had come to ask me for marriage.

“When I told her that I did not want to get married, I am a student and I want to stay at school she told me that if I did not love him and if I refuse this marriage, she will no longer support me.”

Mawa was left with no choice. To prepare her for marriage, Mawa’s mother withdrew her from school and sent her to the capital, Dakar, to work as a housemaid.

When the youth group in her village learned of Mawa’s situation, they brought the case to the newly formed child protection group. The group then met with Mawa’s mother to negotiate for her return in light of the pre-dowry gift her mother had received.

Mawa had no idea that all of this was going on. “One Sunday, my mother called and asked me to come back to my town to resume my studies,” she says. “It is then that I learned that it was thanks to my village child protection committee that I was able to return home.

Unfortunately Mawa’s story is not uncommon in Senegal. That is why ChildFund will continue to support child protection groups like the one in her community.

*Name changed to protect her identity

ChildFund Liberia, in collaboration with the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare (MOHSW), has opened the first dedicated children`s Interim Care Centre in the Liberian capital, Monrovia, for children who have lost one or both parents to Ebola.

An initial 20 children moved into the centre on Monday, 6 October. Eight Ebola survivors have been recruited as temporary caregivers, and a nurse, social workers and a mental health worker will provide additional support for these children.

“More than 2,000 children have been orphaned by Ebola in Liberia,” said Billy Abimbilla, ChildFund International`s national director for Liberia and Sierra Leone. “In addition to the tragedy of losing parents, these children are being traumatised by the stigma associated with the virus. They have nowhere else to go.”

The centre will provide care, support and protection for affected children for a quarantine period of 21 days from the time they last had close contact with a person diagnosed with Ebola. In addition to housing and meals, the children will be provided with play and reading materials and receive counselling from carers who have survived Ebola and are now immune.

Staff at the centre will closely observe and monitor the children for the development of Ebola symptoms, through twice-daily testing of temperature and using a checklist of symptomology, and take immediate action to refer such children to the nearest Ebola Treatment Unit or Ebola Care Centre as appropriate.

There will also be active tracing of children`s relatives to facilitate family reunification after the quarantine period is over. If extended family are not willing or able to care for the child, alternative options such as foster care will be sought.

ChildFund Australia CEO Nigel Spence said: “The number of children orphaned and stigmatised by Ebola is increasing by the day. A centre like this is critical to provide a protective environment for these children and help them process the grief and trauma they are experiencing.”

The MOHSW together with ChildFund will be establishing additional Interim Care Centres in Liberia to support the increasing number of children orphaned by Ebola.

Additional funds provided by ChildFund Australia will also be used to establish an Interim Care Centre in the hard-hit Bombali district of Sierra Leone.