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Last time you were here, you were looking to help vulnerable children and families. Your support can save and change lives.

In the rural communities of northern Vietnam, a medical aid centre can be up to a day’s walk away so having access to basic health and safety items is vital. It can sometimes mean the difference between life and death for children.

Dung lives in the northern province of Hoa Binh and worries about the health of his four year old son and six year old daughter:

“They frequently cut themselves and get injured as falling down because they are very active”. My children sometimes got fever; the past July, both of them were infected by virus”.

Thanks to Donations with a Difference supporters, ChildFund was able to provide fully-stocked medical cabinets, and basic training, to communities like Dung’s. These supplies have made a big difference to parents as they can now treat their children’s ailments and prevent major health threats.

For many children living in the high mountainous terrain of Vietnam, access to clean water resources is limited. Drinking unsafe and dirty water can cause life-threatening diseases such as diarrhoea, dysentery, cholera or typhoid.

The construction of household wells has made a real difference to the health of children, families and communities. Each well is deep, taps into clean, safe water sources and the concrete walls ensure that pollutants cannot seep in and contaminate the drinking water.

“The new well is very hygiene as it is very deep (6 metres), and concreted so that waste water can not absorb back. I found the water very clean. Also it provides enough water for my family to use for all daily activities such as cooking, washing and cleaning. Now my family no longer has to worry about water.”

– Beneficiary of Water and Sanitation Program, Bac Kan province, Vietnam