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March is the time when farmers in Bac Kan start to prepare for a new seasonal rice crop. The new crop takes around four months to grow, from late spring to the end of summer. Right after Tet (Vietnamese New Year) holiday, the farmers in Na It village, Bac Kan start their farming work.

We arrive in Na It village as local people are preparing the soil for the new crop. The process of preparing the soil is one of the hardest tasks that the farmers have to do, along with transplanting rice seedlings and harvesting, before they can hope for a bumper crop.

Vy Huong is one of six ChildFund-supported communes in Bac Kan province. Project activities have been implemented in Vy Huong since the late 1990s. The Building Strong and Resilient Communities program has supported the construction of over 4000 metres of irrigation channels to lead water into the fields for farmers to use for their rice paddies. The system has benefited over 170 households who own fields in the Vy Huong commune. The local commune committee has also appointed a group of officers to work with and train the local project management board to maintain the irrigation system.

“Thanks to the ChildFund-supported irrigation system, which runs from the beginning to the end of the largest field area in the commune, over 80 households in Na It are able to irrigate their fields all year round. We have operated and maintained the system very well for over 10 years. People who own fields in this area really feel thankful and happy. ChildFund project activities have brought about many benefits for our local people,” said Mr Pham Khac Chinh, head of the Na Pai commune and head of the Vy Huong Community Development Committee.

During our visit, Mr Chinh is monitoring the process of irrigating the major field for farmers. When it comes time to prepare for new crops, Mr Chinh often mobilises the local community, especially the youth, to clear up weeds inside the canal to ensure good water flow. “We find it so exciting to see the water running smoothly,” he tells us. “You know, we cannot grow rice without water and only by growing rice do we have enough food for our daily lives.”

Instead of using the buffaloes to draw ploughs, the Vy Huong community now have ploughing machines for their farming work, which significantly eases the work in the fields. Every year each household has two rice crops and two corn crops. The harvested rice is not only for their daily meals but to sell at the market for income to cover other family expenses. Corn is mainly used for rearing pigs and chickens, which also helps to increase household income.

The water runs smoothly in the irrigation system and carries the hope of the local people for a bumper crop in the paddies, which will soon be filled with rice and maize.

In 1998, through ChildFund Australia, I began to sponsor a three-year-old girl, Thao, in Hoa Binh Province, Vietnam. At that time the family were very poor, struggling to grow enough rice to feed themselves. There was no clean water and they were often ill and without nearby medical care.

Since then I have corresponded regularly with Thao and watched her growth and development. From an early age she wrote me lovely letters in her own hand and she and her family have always felt like a part of my family. My hopes for Thao have always been for her to have a good education. With this, she would realise that she has many choices in life and that she can go on to help her family and community. It has always been my dream to visit Thao one day.

In September last year, when Thao had just turned 17, that dream came true. My husband, Bill, and I finally travelled to Vietnam to visit Thao and her family. It was an incredibly joyous and emotional day.

Firstly we visited the ChildFund offices in Hanoi, where our interpreter, Phuong, introduced us to all the staff, who were so charming and welcoming. We then drove to Hoa Binh Province where we were greeted by the local Mayor and other leading members of the community. Many small children were waiting to wave to us. Thao’s father, drove the whole family to meet us on his motorbike.

My first sight of Thao stunned me. In her photos she had always been quite serious, but the huge smile on her face and her laughing eyes said it all. She was accompanied by her mother and father, brother and 74-year-old grandmother.

Grandma took a particular shine to me and wanted to sit next to me, chatting constantly and giggling, and patting my skin and hair. Her teeth were lacquered jet black, a sign of great beauty. She told me proudly that she still tends three water buffalo in the fields every day. Father made a lovely long speech with tears in his eyes and then stood on tippy toe to fling his arms around Bill and kiss him on the cheek. It was a very moving moment. Thao sang for us in a beautiful soft voice.

After a couple of hours we were shown the rest of the community. This was terrific for me as I could see with my own eyes where my money has gone. We went to visit the pre-school, medical clinic and irrigation canals. Everywhere we went there were signs to say that ChildFund Australia had built this facility and the date.

Sponsoring Thao is one of the most satisfying things I have done in my life. For much less than a cup of coffee a day, I have helped to make such a difference not only to her life but to the whole community, as everything is shared.

This year, Thao will hopefully win a scholarship to go to Hanoi for teacher training. In the future she will teach countless others that there is hope in life and that with an education one has choices that can make anything possible.

Thank you ChildFund for helping Thao to bring so much joy to my life.