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Last time you were here, you were looking to help vulnerable children and families. Your support can save and change lives.

In 2011, 18 passionate Australians embarked on a physical and fundraising challenge, the Vietnam Trek for Toddlers, to help fund the construction of a much-needed new preschool in the remote village of Go Thau in Vietnam. In June I had the wonderful opportunity to visit Go Thau preschool again as part of the Vietnam Cultural Discovery Tour. It was amazing to see how much had changed for these children in just two years.

When we arrived at Go Thau we could see the gate in the distance – the gate alone was taller and grander than the old buffalo shed, which was previously used as the community`s preschool.

I approached the school with Wendy and Marisa (pictured above), our Vietnam Trekkers who had returned to see first-hand how their support has helped this small rural community. Wendy refused a pre-visit interview as she was so emotional about it, she knew she would just cry.

Just like our last visit the kids lined the entrance, waving to welcome us. We met them with high fives, handshakes, smiles and tears from our trekkers! It was amazing and emotional for all.

At the end of the rows of children who greeted us, we turned to see this huge preschool before us. We were speechless, it`s so much bigger in real life than in any of the photos we had been sent. For us trekkers this was definitely the icing on the cake from what was a difficult challenge we had undertaken two years ago.

The front yard of the preschool was filled with teachers, parents and children. We were delighted to see so many people keen to welcome us back.

Wendy and I took ourselves on a tour, although it felt like more of a snoop than anything else. The kitchen was simple but clean and already very much in use. It was well ventilated too, which was great to see, since in this area families are used to having smoky kitchens inside their homes with nowhere for the smoke to escape.

The classroom for the older kids had small desks and chairs, and the room for the youngest kids even had its own bathroom so the teacher didn’t have to leave the room if one of the kids needed to use the restroom.

All of the classrooms were colourfully decorated with artworks the children had done. Each classroom also had sleeping mats and cupboards that were filled with toys, equipment and games. Wendy and I were amazed at the facilities.

One of the teachers approached Marisa with a photo of her taken when we visited what was then the buffalo-shed school two years ago. Another teary moment for the team!

We then had some time to play and sing with the kids, and had lots of fun learning local games. Our Aussie group then returned the favour by teaching the kids and teachers the chicken dance!

The children, teachers and parents made our day with their laughter and big smiles but somehow I think we made their day too.

Thank you to all the Vietnam trekkers who raised over $74,000 to help construct and equip Go Thau preschool. You have given these children a better start to life as of now!


Cao Bang is a mountainous province in the northeast of Vietnam – about 300km away from my city, Hanoi. It doesn’t sound far but on this day, it takes us eight hours to drive there, partly due to the muddy mountain pass after such heavy rain.

We arrive in one of the poorest villages in Tra Linh district. ChildFund only recently started working in this area, where many children suffer from malnutrition. There are also significant challenges around safe water, sanitation and healthcare.

We have come to visit Nham and her husband, Ham, who are living with their two little boys and their grandmother in an old wooden house. Sitting in the house, we can see the dark gloomy sky outside through the gaps in the wooden boards, and we can feel the cold winter winds blowing through. From underneath, we can smell the defecation of the family’s buffalo, chicken and piglets that are running around in search of their mother.

We continue on to Bac Kan province, around 120km away, where ChildFund has been working since 1999. Back then, children and families were in a seriously poor state. People didn’t have enough to eat. Farmers could only grow one crop per year due to the shortage of water. Children were often ill due to poor hygiene and didn’t have proper access to education as their parents could not afford to feed them, let alone pay the tuition expenses.

In the decade or so that ChildFund has been working in this area, huge changes have occurred. When we visit, we find well-constructed and properly maintained gravity-fed water systems, which bring clean water to hundreds of households. Now mothers don’t have to go to the stream to collect water for their daily use and can spend that time and effort in taking care of their family and children. Farmers can grow up to four crops in a year, thanks to the water that is fed into their fields through an irrigation canal built with the support of ChildFund.

It is amazing to me to see the difference between Cao Bang, an area where ChildFund has just started working, and Bac Kan, where we have been working for over a decade. To think, in just 10 or 12 years, such dramatic changes can occur, bringing huge improvements in the health, wellbeing and opportunities for children and families who live there.

Certainly things are on the up for the communities we support in Cao Bang. Already for Nham and her family, their two little boys are being taken care of through a malnutrition prevention project supported by ChildFund New Zealand, and the whole family can access the newly built health clinic supported by AusAID through ChildFund Australia.

Having seen what has been achieved in Bac Kan, I feel hopeful that the next 10 years will bring positive life-changing outcomes for the children and families here, too.