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World Teacher’s Day 2023, held every year on 5 October, is an opportunity to celebrate all the incredible teachers dedicated to supporting children and young people for future success in all aspects of life. This is a day to acknowledge the contribution that teachers make in our lives, and to our schools and communities, but also the challenges they face globally. 

A day to recognise and appreciate teachers  

For Carolina, a local community-based pre-school teacher in Lautem municipality, Timor-Leste, World Teacher’s Day is a chance to stop and reflect on the important role of teachers around the world. It is time to show gratitude and appreciation for their hard work and dedication to children’s education.  

“World Teacher’s Day is very special to us because it shows that all the communities are appreciating, recognising, and valuing our dedication, efforts, and hard work to support children to have a better future and for Timor-Leste to have a bright future,” she says.   

Teachers are the foundation for learning and education.”

Carolina teaching a student the alphabet in Lautem municipality, Timor-Leste.

Teaching is something that has always been close to Carolina’s heart. Ever since she was a little girl all she ever wanted was to be a teacher because it meant that she could share her knowledge to help educate children and set them up for future success. After all, without teachers there would be no other profession!  

“Teachers are the foundation for learning and education,” she says. “Without teachers, many people would not have work or careers.”  

Her message for World Teacher’s Day – to all the teachers – is very simple: “Please continue to stay committed and patient when teaching children. Children are very smart. We must treat children equally. Do not discriminate against children based on their skin colour, race, religion and gender, we need to embrace them all and work together with them.”  

When is World Teacher’s Day?

World Teacher’s Day 2023 will be held on Thursday 5 October. 

What is World Teacher’s Day about?

In 1994, UNESCO established World Teacher’s Day with the aim to celebrate the advance in teachers’ rights made in recent decades. 

In 1966, an intergovernmental conference in Paris adopted the UNESCO/ILO (International Labour Organisation) Recommendation about the Status of Teachers. This recommendation sets out not only the responsibilities and rights of teachers, but also international standards for teachers’ initial preparation, further education, employment, recruitment, and learning and teaching conditions. 

What is the theme of World Teacher’s Day 2023?

This year’s World Teacher’s Day will mark its 29th anniversary. The theme for 2023 is “The Teachers We Need for the Education We Want: The Global Imperative to Reverse the Teacher Shortage.” 

What does this mean? Teachers are instrumental in preparing future generations; they help teach important lessons and life skills that can make the world of difference down the track. However, there is a severe lack of teachers globally because of a range of factors including low pay, burnout, inadequate classroom resources and a lack of support and recognition. We must better value, better train and better support teachers if we are to achieve the goal of providing primary and secondary education for all by 2030. 

How can you help support teachers and celebrate this World Teacher’s Day?

In developing communities, it can be difficult for teachers to access learning opportunities and teaching supplies. A monthly donation to ChildFund can provide teachers with the training and resources they need to continue to support children’s education.  

A donation to our girls’ education appeal can also make a huge difference for thousands of girls and their families and communities. You can help girls go to school and learn, give local teachers training and support, improve classrooms, and build school playgrounds and toilets. 

Alternatively, you can donate an education gift from Gifts for Good range. Gifts such as a school supplies set, or a bright future bundle can provide a child with everything they need to attend and participate in school. 

You can also spread the word about World Teacher’s Day on social media. Use #worldteachersday to raise awareness and encourage family and friends to participate too. 

With just a swipe or a tap of a finger on an electronic device, children can open so many doors into the digital world. However, with plenty of possibilities, there are also risks. Young people may be targeted by scams, experience bullying, or be exposed to sexual, racist, or other inappropriate content. They may encounter these risks through their searches, via social media, video, gaming or chat and communication platforms.

Laura, 17, is excited to take part in Swipe Safe.

In August 2023, ChildFund Timor-Leste partnered with local youth organisation, Alumni Parlamentu Foinsae (APFTL), to implement Swipe Safe, a program that helps young people stay safe online.

“I want to use social media carefully and correctly.”

Laura is 17 and from the Lautem municipality, she is one of thousands of young people in Timor-Leste learning how to swipe safe. Laura is looking forward to learning how to stay safe on social media.

“I’m very excited to take part in the online safety training because it will help us to use technology wisely and teach us how to protect ourselves from online danger,” she said. “I want to use social media carefully and correctly.” 

Grilo, a school principal and a representative of the Ministry of Education in Lautem, said it was important for young people to access digital technologies safely to learn, develop, and connect. “I encourage all students and young people to participate in the online safety training and use what they learn in their daily lives,” he said.

Students in Timor-Leste learning how to stay safe online.

ChildFund Timor-Leste and APFTL are aiming to reach 5,000 young people and 1,000 parents in Lautem and Dili municipalities through the project. “ChildFund Timor-Leste is very proud to be partnered with APFTL,” said Erine Dijkstra, ChildFund Timor-Leste’s Country Director. “We have worked with 26 facilitators already to provide the online safety training.”

ChildFund is also working with the Timor-Leste Government’s Ministry of Education, Ministry of Youth, Sport and Culture, and the Ministry of Solidarity and Social Inclusion, to educate parents, guardians and schools to across the country about online safety.

“Together, we can help everyone to become good online citizens and to protect children online,” Erine said.