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Last time you were here, you were looking to help vulnerable children and families. Your support can save and change lives.

This week Raul, Kelly and I visited Memo school in Bobonaro district, where I have been working with Year Six students to develop their communication skills as part of ChildFund Connect.

When we arrived, the students raced across the playground to give us a warm welcome. They’re always happy to see me because they know they will get to do some filming.

This day we focused on finishing their storyboards for their films, making sure they had a beginning, middle and end. They had some great film ideas, including an instructional video on how to make a Piao – a traditionally spinning top.

The children are really motivated by sharing their videos with their peers overseas. They feel proud to be able to show them what their life is like and also lucky to have this program in their school.

When I visit other districts and schools involved with ChildFund Timor-Leste, I get a lot of requests to extend ChildFund Connect. Teachers think the activities are interesting and beneficial for students. I can also see the benefits for the students’ future because they are learning new skills and developing their confidence in communicating their ideas.

If a program like this was around when I was growing up in Los Palos, I would be really happy and proud to learn new skills and capture the reality of my life at that time. Like some of the students I work with now, I might want to use the new skills to become a journalist.

We did some interviewing exercises on our second day of activities at the school. We asked the children to act as journalists investigating a case of a missing buffalo in their community. It was great to see their imaginations fly as they interviewed pretend community members and local authorities to unravel the mystery. Their class teacher, Marta Olivia, also got involved and encouraged the students to come up with interesting questions and answers.

On our last day, I interviewed Marta Olivia and also a student to get their thoughts on the activities. See what they had to say in our video below!


Terry is one of three runners who are taking on the Paris Marathon this weekend in support of ChildFund Australia – we wish them all the best of luck!

My grandson Riley is happy and healthy and will have no issues reaching the age of five and older. We are lucky to have him in our lives and to watch him grow, happy and healthy.

Riley is the reason I am running the Paris Marathon and fundraising for children in East Timor. If I can help one child in East Timor achieve the same health and happiness Riley enjoys, anything I can do to assist makes it all worthwhile.

I first became involved with ChildFund when my daughter was pregnant with Riley – I decided to sponsor a little boy in Kenya. It was just a matter of being able to give back and help provide other children with the same opportunities Riley has.

More recently, I was sitting in a sales meeting up on the Sunshine Coast when I got an email through on the Blackberry from ChildFund, asking for people who may be interested in doing some fundraising and at the same time accept the challenge to run a marathon in Paris. I’ve never run a marathon but this just struck a chord with me. Within the space of two hours, I’d make the decision and been accepted. It was as simple as that.

Again, Riley was the catalyst. The project that I’m raising money for is for children in East Timor. Very simply, one in 10 children in East Timor don’t reach the age of five due to preventable diseases like diarrhoea and malaria. Riley’s going to reach the age of five without any issues whatsoever and he’s a happy little chappy. But when you see figures like that, it’s just heartbreaking.

So the $8,000 I’ll raise for ChildFund will go towards supporting local village health volunteers across 12 communities in East Timor to spread health messages and educate parents about healthcare issues, so that their children have a better chance of getting through the early stage of their life unscathed. It’s a simple but effective way of improving the health of children in these communities.

The fundraising has been challenging but rewarding. Initially I set up a fundraising webpage with Everyday Hero – so people have been making donations through that. And over the past few weeks, a very good friend of mine in Ballina organised a series of trivia nights – $5 per person, per night to come along. The prize was an audition for the Channel Nine program Millionaire Hot Seat, so one person had the chance to win a million dollars potentially. It’s been great. We’ve had different services, clubs, individuals and schools participate. We just had the final night at Ballina Golf Club and the winner will go to Melbourne to audition for the show.

My training is going well. There’s lot of different training programs out there, particularly on the web and in books. But more importantly I’ve listened to the body. High school was the last time I ran anything seriously, apart from a jog on the beach. That was a long time ago – I’m 55, 56 this year. I’ve simply progressed along the way, increasing the mileage on a weekly basis, cross-training, but certainly having rest days.

The longest run that I’ve done so far is 35km – I was tired at the end but it was fine. That was about six weeks ago and the fitness has improved since then. Someone said to me you don’t need to climb Mount Everest before you climb Mount Everest! So I’m keeping that in mind. I haven’t done the full 42km yet but I think with everything that’s going on during the race day – the euphoria, the crowd – that will get me across the line.

For the last couple of weeks, I’ve taken it back a little bit, let everything rest and recover so I can be ready for the big day. I’m aiming for a time of about three-and-a-half hours. That’s what the mouth’s saying anyway – I’ll see if the body can follow!

ChildFund Australia has places available for the upcoming New York Marathon – register today and start fundraising for children in Papua New Guinea.