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Nine-year-old Fernanda’s family lives in a rural village in Manatuto in eastern Timor-Leste. They tend to a garden with corn, long beans, bananas and cassava that feed Fernanda and her four siblings, with just enough left over to sell and make a small income. Now, they have a goat too, which they received earlier this year.

“We don`t have a rice field, as most people do, but only a small plot of land for vegetables,” says Fernando. Fernanda’s father said that they “only do farming in which the production is very low and not enough to sustain family needs. We really wanted to do some other things in order to support family’s income, like buy goats, but we had no money. So we are lucky and happy to receive the goat.”

Fernando’s family is one of 10 families who received a goat this past spring. Fernanda and her siblings enjoy taking care of the 10 goats, which are kept in the same field. “After school I take out the goats, feed and give them a drink and let them eat the grass,” says Fernanda, who wants to become a teacher when she’s older.

“Once our goat has multiplied I will sell some of its offspring to buy my children’s school materials, such as books, pens and uniforms,” says Fernando.

Fernando hopes his children will have a promising future. “I want them to have a good education and later to have a job, so they can have a better life. I will keep supporting them with my own efforts to help them realise their dreams.”


“I like to come to the centre because I want to play and learn. Mostly I like to play!” says five-year-old Roni, of the early childhood development (ECD) centre he has attended for the past two years in rural Timor-Leste.

At Roni’s age, access to appropriate play, stimulation and social interaction is crucial to his lifelong development and success. At home, his favourite activity is playing with his neighbour. He also helps his mother and father with some simple chores.

He attends an ECD centre in his community that ChildFund helped establish. For seven years the centre has provided a safe and supportive environment, as well as trained teachers and high-quality learning resources. “In the school, I feel good because I have a lot of friends,” says Roni.

His community of about 1,200 people depend mainly on subsistence farming for survival. Despite being located less than 250 kilometres from Timor-Leste’s capital, Dili, it takes five hours by car to reach Roni’s village because of poor roads and rugged terrain.

Due to its isolation the community has not always had the resources to support an ECD centre. In fact, according to the Timorese government nine out of 10 children in Timor-Leste do not have access to pre-primary education.

ChildFund currently supports 76 ECD centres throughout the country; ensuring more than 3,300 children under the age of five are on the path to reaching their full potential.