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Last time you were here, you were looking to help vulnerable children and families. Your support can save and change lives.

Five-year-old Murugan (pictured above) watches as the water trickles out of a gurgling filter. As his cup fills with clear, clean water, the smile on his little face grows larger. Where Murugan lives in Sri Lanka’s Nuwara Eliya district, waterborne diseases like diarrhoea are a serious problem and often lead to children becoming malnourished.

Children here face many health challenges, including poor water quality and a lack of education about health care among parents. But ChildFund’s Ensuring Nutrition, Health and Children`s Health (ENHANCE) program has helped address the issue of safe drinking water by distributing filters to early childhood development (ECD) centres and conducting awareness programs through our local partner organisations.

Eight ECD centres, including Murugan’s, have received water filters, which remove lead and other impurities from water so it can be safely drunk. The filters also reduce the risk of potential diseases.

“This is one of the best water purification systems introduced to us. I want to thank ChildFund Sri Lanka for helping to provide clean water for children,” says Mrs. Puwaneshwari, a teacher at the Walaha ECD centre.

Together with T-Field, its local partner in Nuwara Eliya, ChildFund has built a dam to collect water from a spring and distribute the clean water through pipelines to the community. The project has benefited 170 families.

The awareness campaigns have emphasised boiling water before drinking it at home and teaching children and adults to wash their hands after using the toilet. ENHANCE takes an integrated approach to helping children establish good health, addressing nutritional needs, child care, family habits, personal and environmental hygiene, safe water and sanitation practices and food security.

“My child used to fall sick often, but after learning about the importance of boiling drinking water, I always boil our drinking water now, and I can see a difference,” says Malarselvi, a mother at the ECD centre. “They don’t fall sick as often as they used to.”

10-year-old Vijayakumaratharun (nicknamed Tharun) and his mum, Ithayakala, live in a rural village in Batticaloa in eastern Sri Lanka. Batticaloa district is a popular tourist destination, famous for its natural beauty and so-called €˜singing fish` lurking under the Kallady Bridge. Yet with the majority of the population living below the poverty line, life is not always easy.

Ithayakala, 34, was abandoned by her husband when her son was very small. With little education, she earned what she could selling the vegetables she grew in her small home garden, plus doing odd jobs and working in rice paddies, which is seasonal work. Tharun says it made him sad to see his mother cry.

But when Tharun was sponsored three years ago through ChildFund Sri Lanka, his mother saw a ray of hope.

“Things have changed for us now,” Ithayakala says. Although she still struggles to make enough money, the strain has decreased. “Almost all of his educational expenses are covered thanks to sponsorship,” she adds.

In addition to his sponsorship, Tharun and his mother were provided with three goats and three cows. Ithayakala sells surplus milk, which helps to supplement their income.

Ithyakala has had the opportunity to participate in ChildFund`s nutrition program, where she learned about growing and cooking nutritious food for her son. Now, she is a leader and teaches other mothers the same skills. She has also benefited from child protection programs organised by ChildFund Sri Lanka for the community.

Tharun shares with us a photograph and letters he has received from his sponsor in New Zealand. The kea, he points out from a card with several animals from New Zealand, is his favourite. “I want to thank her for all the greeting cards and letters she has sent me,” he says. “I have learned new things about her family in New Zealand and about the animals there.”