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Last time you were here, you were looking to help vulnerable children and families. Your support can save and change lives.

Clean and safe water is very difficult to access in rural areas of Papua New Guinea, especially where they don’t have proper water supply systems in place. People depend on the rivers or streams that are flowing through the village, or they use containers to collect rainwater, which is not safe because of the dust and dirt that gets washed off from the roof or wherever they’re collecting the water from.

If people don’t have safe water, then they are at risk of waterborne diseases, like diarrhoea, dysentery, typhoid and tuberculosis. Also children, especially girls, are left out of school because they have to stay in the village and help their parents collect water, which can be 30 minutes’ walk from their house.

In the communities where ChildFund is working, children are often sick with diarrhoea but it’s normal to them. According to the health reports I have seen, there are some children who have died of diarrhoea and many are sick. At the nearest health centre, a lot of children who go to the health centre have diarrhoea. Through our health and hygiene training they have realised it’s not normal and they have been drinking water which is not safe.

We have started to install tippy taps in some villages. A tippy tap is made from a 25-litre container and it’s placed near the toilet for the people in the village to use after they come out of the toilet. There’s a string tied to the container. You pull the string and it just tips over and water comes out and you wash your hands. The tippy tap is made in a way that you can accommodate for a soap as well. So a string will be hung beside the tippy tap for a soap.

This is to promote handwashing, so after people use the toilet they don’t have to go to the river, which is a 15 to 30 minute walk from their house. Placing it near the toilet introduces handwashing activities – so they use the loo, come out and wash their hands. Previously, they used the bushes or the toilet if they have one, but they didn’t wash their hands.

With the introduction of the tippy tap, and also with the construction of latrines and the installation of proper rain catchment systems, we hope to see an 80 per cent reduction in diarrhoeal disease. We also hope to see a lot more girls go to school as they won’t have to walk such a long way to fetch water now for cooking and drinking, because the water is near their house now. They just open the door and there’s the tank in front of them.

This project has been successful because of the way the community has worked together with ChildFund to make it happen. Even though there were one or two obstacles that made it hard, we were able to overcome it. I made sure the community led the project, and I was at the back guiding them. We are now looking forward to replicating this activity in the other communities in our program areas.

In 2011, ChildFund Australia supporters contributed over $260,000 to the Children of Baruni Dump Appeal, an initiative to raise much-needed funds for children living in the wastelands around Papua New Guinea`s capital of Port Moresby.

Working in partnership with Brisbane-based company Pro-Ma Systems, ChildFund is supporting the St Peters Literacy School, which provides free education, uniforms, books and meals to children from Baruni, Six Mile and other informal settlement areas.

Children who live too far away to make daily travel to school a safe option stay overnight at the school in basic and inadequate accommodation. Donations will help improve the lodgings for children and help establish long-term, sustainable activities to improve the health and nutrition of children enrolled at the school.

Children have been involved in the design of the program from the outset, contributing their own ideas, views and opinions to the design and planning process. Since the launch of the project, there have been significant achievements:

  • The vegetable gardens have been dug and crops of pak choi, green boy, tomato and peanuts planted. There have been three successful harvests so far. Additional seeds were purchased with the income from selling the excess yield which are now being planted.
  • The piggery, which the children helped design, has been built. There are currently 13 pigs mucking about in their new home and munching on meals of cassava and sweet potato leaves.
  • The chicken coop has also been constructed and a dozen nutritious eggs are laid every morning.
  • Agricultural training for the children and teachers on how to successfully grow and harvest vegetables and breed healthy animals has begun and several modules have been completed with more training to come.
  • The children have had three health check-ups by Susu Mamas, visiting doctors from the Australian Defence Force and Colgate Palmolive. Check-ups included treatment of minor cuts and coughs and ear, nose, throat, and general checks. 38 students were vaccinated against tuberculosis, 41 students received a tetanus vaccination and 46 students received treatment for worms. Dental check-ups were conducted by Colgate Palmolive who also did hand washing awareness. The students were given tooth brushes, toothpaste and hand soap for washing hands.
  • 86 children have officially had their birth registered €“ certificates are ready to be distributed when school reopens on Monday 4 February.
  • The concrete foundation for the new lodgings has been laid and construction will soon be underway.
  • A 6 person school board of management has been formed, members each have roles and responsibilities and work together to efficiently run the school.

Thank you to everyone who donated to this worthy appeal and helped improve the health and wellbeing of the children of Baruni Dump.