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To all of our valued supporters, I wanted to provide this update regarding the Ebola crisis in West Africa, one of the worst public health emergencies seen in modern times.

Firstly I would like to confirm that ChildFund is responding to this health crisis through our partner organisations in the ChildFund Alliance. ChildFund works in four of the countries affected by the outbreak, Guinea, Liberia, Sierra Leone and Senegal. ChildFund does not operate programs in Nigeria, which is also affected.

It is thanks to our child sponsors that we have been able to respond so quickly in the communities where we work. During an emergency, a portion of sponsorship funds may be allocated to assist affected children and families. This means we can provide immediate help and then assess whether further funds are needed.

In each of the affected countries, ChildFund is working collaboratively with the Government, local partners and other organisations such as UNICEF, the World Health Organisation and World Food Programme to respond to the needs of children. In all affected countries, the major concerns for children are insufficient food, poor access to water, sanitation and hygiene facilities, medical care, trauma support and protection, and community awareness about prevention and treatment of Ebola.

Secondly, I know sponsors will be very worried about their sponsored children. However, I hope you understand that we are unable to request information on individual sponsored children at this time. Our staff on the ground are working under very difficult circumstances and all attention is currently focused on the emergency response.

As updates come through, we will share them with you as quickly as possible. General updates can be found on our website. Information about individual children will not be shared publicly €“ if we receive information about your sponsored child, a member of our Supporter Relations team will be in touch.

We hope this FAQ below answers any further questions you have. Thank you for your continued support of our work assisting children and families, particularly during this devastating public health emergency.

What is the current situation?

(Please note: The situation is changing daily, however, this information is correct as of 12 September)

ChildFund works in four of the countries affected by the outbreak €“ Guinea, Liberia, Sierra Leone and Senegal. ChildFund does not operate programs in Nigeria, which is also affected.

The number of recorded cases of Ebola in Guinea, Sierra Leone, Liberia and Nigeria has risen to 4,784, with almost 2,500 people dying from the disease. The situation in Senegal, which confirmed its first €“ and so far, only €“ case of Ebola on 29 August, remains stable but on high alert.

In all countries, the major concerns for children are insufficient food, poor access to water, sanitation and hygiene facilities, medical care, trauma support and protection, and community awareness about prevention and treatment of Ebola.

Is my sponsored child ok?

We are unable to make enquiries about individual sponsored children at this time. However, our local staff are in close contact with affected communities and will continue to provide us with updates when they can. We will contact you directly if we receive news about your sponsored child. Otherwise, general updates can be found on our website, Facebook Page or Twitter.

Can I continue to write to my sponsored child?

Yes, however, please be aware that responses to your letters may take a lot more time than usual. Currently, letter writing and delivery activities have been put on hold in affected communities. This is a direct result of the health crisis. Please be patient, resources within communities are stretched and ChildFund staff are focused on emergency response activities.

How is ChildFund helping affected children and families?

ChildFund and its local partners in Guinea, Liberia, Sierra Leone and Senegal are working at the community level to increase awareness about how to prevent the spread of the disease and the need for early medical attention. Simple measures, like hand washing, are proving to be one of the most effective ways to protect children and families from the virus, so we are providing bleach, hygiene kits and gloves at places like schools, hospitals and border crossing checkpoints. We are training and equipping health personnel, assisting with the delivery of life-saving medical supplies and also recruiting health education volunteers within communities.

This community-centred approach has created trust and increased public support for the use of preventive measures, particularly in Guinea where no new cases have been reported in any of the communities where ChildFund works since the end of March. ChildFund continues to collaborate with the Government in each country, UN agencies and other INGOs working on the epidemic to ensure that all activities complement each other.

Why hasn`t ChildFund Australia launched an emergency appeal?

In Guinea, Liberia, Sierra Leone and Senegal, sponsorship and donor funds are assisting in the fight against Ebola in the communities where ChildFund works. Additional funds have also been contributed from our partner organisations in the US, Germany and Korea. At this stage, further funds have not been requested, however, this may change as the crisis continues.

It must be noted this is a different kind of emergency that requires specialised personnel and medical equipment to treat people who contract Ebola, contain the spread of the disease and support the very basic health infrastructure that exists in the affected countries. As organisations like MSF Australia have highlighted, while NGOs have a role to play, it is the responsibility of governments around the world to prevent this becoming a global health crisis. For example, the United States has agreed to send 3,000 military personnel to Liberia to construct disease treatment centres and train health care workers.

The UN and WHO expect the international effort to stop Ebola will cost close to $US1 billion. Only $US300 million has been promised so far, including $8 million from the Australian Government. ChildFund urges swift and significant action by world leaders to combat this health crisis.

How can I help?

As a child sponsor in the affected countries, you are already assisting. Your sponsorship donations are currently helping to protect children and families from Ebola in the communities where ChildFund works. Thank you so much for your support.

If you would like to further assist, or if you don’t currently support in these countries, you may wish to consider sponsoring a child in Sierra Leone or Senegal. Sponsorships are not currently available in Guinea or Liberia.

You can also join the call for world leaders to take strong action to fight Ebola by signing this petition.

Ebola has infected an estimated 4,300 people in Africa, and killed more than 2,400 people, according to the World Health Organisation. The spread of Ebola remains most serious in Liberia, where there have been the most deaths.

Also affected are Guinea, Nigeria and Sierra Leone. Senegal reported its first Ebola case in the end of August, and officials in The Gambia are keeping close watch for cases, although none have been reported.

In Guinea, the situation appears to be stabilising. As part of its strategy to fight the deadly Ebola virus, ChildFund Guinea identified and engaged community leaders to convey information to the public in three of Guinea’s affected communities.

These 108 leaders include imams, priests, a pastor, traditional healers and hunters, all of whom are respected and have influence within their communities. In March, as the outbreak began, ChildFund Guinea’s office held training workshops on conducting outreach campaigns, as well as identifying and referring people with suspected cases of Ebola to health facilities.

As a result, community members have received important information about good hygiene and preventive measures from people they know and trust. The training has concluded, but information sharing continues through local groups and one-on-one discussions at Guineans` homes and houses of worship.

To date, 35 traditional healers (10 in Kindia and 25 in Dabola) and 28 hunters involved in the project are actively continuing the efforts to contain the spread of Ebola in Guinea. These men are part of indigenous groups, who are trusted as caregivers of the land and of people. Because of their roles and influence, healers and hunters are critical to public awareness efforts.

This community-centred approach has created widespread trust and increased public support for the use of preventive measures.

The outreach campaign has yielded concrete results, with three people suspected of having the virus referred to the Regional Hospital of Dabola. Unfortunately, these three patients did die a few days later but this intervention helped prevent the further spread of the virus.

Since the end of March, no new cases have been reported in any of the communities where ChildFund works in Guinea. Nevertheless, community members continue to be vigilant and prepared to take action if they see anyone who has a suspected case of Ebola.