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What did you want to be when you grew up? How does that compare with what your children want to be? Do our kids have the right balance between family responsibilities and play time?

These are some of the questions we’ve been reflecting on this week after releasing the findings of our global children’s survey, Small Voices, Big Dreams. This is the second year ChildFund has conducted the survey, one of the most comprehensive polls of children’s views in the world.

One of the interesting themes to emerge this year has been around the issue of play opportunities for children in different parts of the world. Our survey finds one in four Australian children wants to be a professional athlete when they grow up, and more than a third would spend a free day playing sport or other physical activity. Conversely, children in developing countries would prefer to be teachers or doctors, and one in four say they would spend a free day helping their family by doing housework, farmwork or other chores.

As I write in today’s National Times, this is not to suggest that Australian children are spoilt or indulged, but it does demonstrate the vast difference of opportunity between children in Australia and their peers in developing countries. We can be pleased and proud that so much opportunity for play and recreation has been created for children in Australia. This is a vital part of nurturing a healthy generation.

However, we can also learn a lot from children in developing countries, who demonstrate a high level of responsibility toward family and community. We know that children like to have a sense of responsibility. They want to have a valued role within their family and community, even from a young age. They enjoy and develop through exercising responsibility.

At ChildFund, we recognise that play is a vital part of a child’s development. The opportunity to play and to participate in games or sport is known to stimulate intellectual development, improve dexterity, build confidence and develop important social skills, such as teamwork, problem-solving and conflict resolution. Officially this is recognised in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, which asserts that children have the right to play.

This is why we incorporate play opportunities for children in our work. We hold Children’s Days where children get to participate in games and other activities. We provide play equipment at the schools we build. We work with communities to reduce the burden on children in terms of household and livelihood duties and create more time for education and play.

ChildFund Laos country manager Chris Mastaglio talks more about the importance of play and how ChildFund is helping to create play opportunities for children in Laos in this video:

I’d love to hear your thoughts on this issue. How do we strike the right balance between work and play for children?

Listen to Nigel speaking to ABC radio about this issue here.

Over 300 children across the Asia-Pacific have taken part in Our Day, a film project that documents a day in the life of children in different parts of the world.

Using pocket video cameras, children from Australia, Laos, Timor Leste and Vietnam filmed moments in their day-to-day lives over a period of weeks. More than 100 hours of footage was taken by the children, which has been edited by Australian film director Clinton J Isle into a heartwarming short film that takes viewers on a captivating journey through childhood in different countries.

Isle was awarded an Artist-in-Residence grant from Arts Queensland to work on the Our Day project in collaboration with Mayfield State School and ChildFund Connect, a new educational program from ChildFund Australia that links children in Australia with children in developing countries and enables them to connect and learn with each other using video and other technologies to communicate.

Isle says: “I’ve been working with the students at Mayfield over the past few months, training them on how to use the pocket video cameras and doing creative workshops. The kids then went away and filmed whatever they wanted and we put this footage together with the kids’ videos from other parts of Australia and overseas. We’ve been amazed at the children’s creativity and can’t wait for them to see their film up on the big screen.”

ChildFund Australia CEO Nigel Spence says: “Our Day shows us how children view the world and what is important to them. It serves as a great reminder that children experience the world very differently to adults, which is why ChildFund places such emphasis on listening to children and incorporating their insights and opinions into our work. I’d like to congratulate all the students involved in the project, both here in Australia and overseas.”

To celebrate Universal Children’s Day on 20 November, simultaneous screenings of the Our Day film will take place across seven locations in four countries. Students who participated in the project will attend the events in their schools and communities, where they will not only view the film but also have the opportunity to connect in real time with their peers overseas through Skype.

The Our Day project is supported by the Australian Council for the Arts – the Australian Government’s arts funding and advisory body – and by the Queensland Government through Arts Queensland. This project is also part of the ChildFund Connect program, which is partly funded by Australian Aid and managed by ChildFund Australia. Further distribution of the film will take place around the world through the ChildFund Alliance, Arts Queensland and Education Queensland..