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This article was first published on Mamamia.

It is natural for an adult to worry about their child; it goes with the territory of parenthood after all. But to hear children talk of their fear of losing their parents is something else.

For some kids this may be an unfounded fear. In Laos, this fear is terrifyingly real.

I know, because I went there and met dozens of gorgeous kids who told me that every day they worry about their parents going to work and not coming home. Or that their brothers or sisters will go out to play and not return.

The psychological impact of living in an area filled with deadly bombs is nothing short of debilitating. There was not a single person I spoke to – man, woman or child – who did not express feelings of unease, despair, even terror.


What would your life be like if you had to walk two hours each day to get water? It’s hard to even imagine but this is today’s reality for many children in Laos.

Waterborne diseases, such as diarrhoea, are the world’s second leading cause of death in children under the age of five. For communities in northern Laos, water scarcity for drinking and washing is a significant issue.

Many villages rely on local natural springs for water which may empty during the dry season and force people to walk long distances in search of water. This is especially a burden for children who are often responsible for water collection.

This is how we’re working to bring safe and clean water to children and their families in northern Laos.

How long do children have to walk to get clean water?

In the dry season, children may undertake a two-hour return trip to fetch water for their family each morning before school. Their journey is made even more treacherous if children need to walk through areas which are yet to be cleared of unexploded bombs, leftover from the Vietnam War.

For children, the risks are great and faced daily.

How we’re improving health, hygiene and nutrition with access to clean water

ChildFund Laos is currently working on an extensive water, sanitation and hygiene project in Nonghet district to improve access to safe water and sanitation, and to reduce the risks for children.

Providing water tanks to prevent long-distance walks for clean water

“Before we got a water tank, parents and children had to walk so far to get water. Having the water tank nearby is better for our children and much more convenient,” says Mr Phabia Ya, Village Chief of Korthong village. “We can now use the water to take a bath or to easily bring home for other things. This has improved our lives.”

Since June 2012, ChildFund Laos has supported the construction of seven new water tanks in seven villages in Nonghet. ChildFund has also trained local people in latrine construction so they can build household latrines to improve sanitation. Prior to installation almost 400 households were checked for unexploded ordnance.

The new water tank in Paka village is helping to make 13-year-old Xai feel safe: “I’m not afraid anymore. Before, I had to walk far away to get water and I was scared to go to get it,” she says. “Now that the water tank is close, I get to take a shower with clean water more often and use the latrine knowing there is always water.”

Educating communities about the importance of clean drinking water, hygiene and sanitation facilities

ChildFund is raising awareness of the importance of clean drinking water and improved sanitation facilities. Since June 2012, ChildFund has provided hygiene sessions for more than 4,500 community members.

We are also helping to improve the knowledge of children through our ’Green and Clean’ activities at ChildFund Child Clubs. “We have learnt the ways to wash our hands to prevent illness and disease,” says 11-year-old Yai, from Paka village.

Access to clean water has an impact on reducing poverty

In Laos, water and sanitation projects are critical. Access to safe water, adequate sanitation and proper hygiene can reduce illness and death, and can help to reduce poverty.

Want to help improve the lives of children and families who need to walk for hours to access clean water? Donate now to support our projects providing clean water, and hygiene-awareness programs.. 

One way to give is to donate water-based Gifts for Good to those in need: 

  • Water tank: Give the gift of clean drinking water to a whole community by donating a water tank. 
  • Hand washing station: Supply a hand-washing station to empower those in need with good hygiene so they can stay clean and healthy. 
  • Water filters: Donate 2 water filters to a household to provide a family with easy access to clean water that prevents them contracting life-threatening, waterborne disease.