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Sonepet has never let her disability get in the way of trying new things.

So when ChildFund Laos’ Learning Beyond Blackboards project was introduced at her school in Laos, and opened up more opportunities for children to expand their minds and learning capabilities, Sonepet was eager to participate.

“I like all the activities I get to do in the project,” the 15-year-old says. “They help me stay active and give me a chance to do something creative.”

The project is helping schools in Laos to strengthen their physical education and arts curriculums, which are often overlooked by busy teachers who don’t have the experience or the resources to teach them. Below we discuss how the project is helping teachers provide more valuable and inclusive curriculums for their students.

New classes teach children how to be fit and creative

As part of the project, teachers have been conducting lessons such as volleyball, drawing and painting alongside maths and literacy classes.

One of Sonepet’s teachers Thongsai says she has noticed her students have been more motivated at school since taking part in a wider variety of classes.

“Since Learning Beyond Blackboards came to our school, the students have been coming to class more regularly and they have greater unity,” she says.

“They’re more supportive of each other than they used to be in the past.”

Sonepet has never let her disability get in the way of trying new things. So when ChildFund’s Learning Beyond Blackboards project was introduced at her school in Laos, and opened up more opportunities for children to expand their minds and learning capabilities, Sonepet was eager to participate.
Sonepet (centre) and her friends are having fun and learning more thanks to ChildFund’s Learning Beyond Blackboards project.

For Sonepet, the Learning Beyond Blackboards activities have helped her develop her creative skills.

“I’ve learned to paint animals, fruit, and all kinds of things more beautifully than before,” she says.

“It also helps me stay healthy because we play so many sports.”

Her favourite activity?

“Singing,” she says. “When you’re singing, you have to move your body along with the rhythm. You just start dancing along, and that’s its own kind of exercise.”

Defying stereotypes with physical and creative activity

Participating in all the physical and creative activities has allowed Sonepet to defy some stereotypes.

She was born with a stunted right hand, but it has not stopped her from having fun and participating confidently in all her classes. “Even though I have a disability, it doesn’t mean I can’t participate in the Learning Beyond Blackboards activities,” Sonepet says.

Teachers are seeing their students’ talent shine through

Thongsai has been impressed by how the new curriculum has allowed her students’ abilities to shine. “This project made me realise that my students are more talented than I ever realised,” she says. “Some of them are so creative they can take the lessons I teach and expand from them to create all kinds of new paintings on all different subjects.”

While literacy and numeracy are important, they do not always foster the kind of enthusiasm and confidence that students such as Sonepet have shown from participating in arts and physical education lessons that have diversified their education.

A more educated world is a great thing to hope for, but a one that is also kinder, healthier, and more creative is even better.

The Learning Beyond Blackboards project is supported by the Australian Government through the Australian NGO Cooperation Program (ANCP).

Sponsor a community in Laos to give children a brighter future

If you want to help children like Sonepet reach their potential, becoming a community sponsor is a powerful way to help children in Laos.

Your sponsorship will help create child friendly schools in developing communities, help provide vocational training for out of school youth, among other community development projects across South East Asia.

You can also donate an education-focused charity gift to help a child in the countries where we work get ahead in life. Fight gender inequality by funding a girl’s education, buy school supplies for a child in need and more. We offer many ways for you to give, because every child deserves a childhood.

Geoff Rhodes has visited his daughter-in-law Lea’s family in Laos multiple times over the past six years. If it’s not Geoff, another member of the Rhodes family will make the annual trip from Sydney to Pakse in southern Laos to visit Lea’s relations.

The two families have shared a special bond since 2013, when a terrible plane crash in Laos killed all 49 passengers on board, including Geoff’s son Gavin and wife Lea, and their two children Jade, 3, and Manfred, 17 months.

Below Geoff talks about how he’s kept in touch with Lea’s family, and why their bond is stronger than ever.

A visit with the family

“We wanted to maintain the relationship with Lea’s family, and they are equally keen to maintain it,” Geoff says. “They are a wonderful family.

“All my grandchildren have been to Laos at least once. They can’t speak Lao and the children over there can’t speak English but they get along.”

The last time Geoff visited Laos was in February 2019. He was greeted with a mighty embrace and joyous bellow from Lea’s elder brother at the airport.

“He screamed at the top of his voice ‘Geoff!’, ran across to me, picked me up and threw me four feet in the air,” Geoff says.

The pair had met many times before, but this was the first time Geoff had, literally, been swept off his feet.

Built in their honour

The exuberant welcome was the start of a week-long trip where Geoff and three friends – Peter, Monica and John – (pictured above) were special guests at the opening of a community hall that the Rhodes family helped to build in a ChildFund-supported community in the country’s north.