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ChildFund Indonesia is assessing the most urgent needs of children and families affected by the devastating earthquake and tsunami that hit the Indonesians island of Sulawesi.

More than 800 people have been confirmed dead and almost 200,000 people are in need of humanitarian aid after a devastating tsunami left a trail of destruction in the heavily-populated Central Sulawesi’s region in Indonesia.

A 7.4 magnitude earthquake hit just after 6pm on 28 September, causing a tsunami that struck the coastal areas of Palu and Donggala, home to a combined 600,000 people.

On 1 October, Indonesian authorities confirmed at least 844 deaths and 632 severe injuries. These numbers are expected to rise steeply in the coming days, and government agencies have warned the toll could run into the thousands.

The series of earthquakes and the tsunami, which was the most destructive to hit Indonesia in almost a decade, have caused widespread destruction through Palu and Donggala.



The green, yellow and red cart rolls around as dozens of wide-eyed children gather to get a peek at what’s on offer.

There’s a buzz of excitement as they look through the many books on the wooden shelves until one catches their eye.

Books of different colours and sizes, and for all ages, deck the cart, and among the children’s smiling faces is cart driver Ayub.

“Before using the cart, I would carry the books in a backpack and I would travel to villages,” he says.

For the past six years the high school sports teacher has transported the reading cart to five villages –Wanga, Praikarang, Pambota Djara, Makaminggit and Homba Karipit – on Sumba island, eastern Indonesia, to encourage children to read and to help communities improve their literacy.