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On 11 October, the world will celebrate the 4th International Day of the Girl Child, highlighting the rights of girls all over world and the unique challenges they face. In 2015, this day includes a special focus on the newly launched Sustainable Development Goals and the importance of supporting girls during their adolescent years.

In 1999, prior to the launch of the Millennium Development Goals, 106 million children of primary school age were not attending school. Today, that number has virtually been halved, yet almost 60 million children are still without access to primary education.

Unfortunately, girls are still more likely to miss out on an education than their male peers, even though we know that educated girls are less likely to marry early, less likely to die in childbirth, and more likely to have educated healthy children of their own.

In order to increase the enrolment rates of girls, in 2009 India implemented compulsory and free education for all children aged 6-14, removing the economic burden of school fees for many poor, rural communities. However, demand for child labour continues to flourish, particularly in sectors such as mining, where companies look to recruit children who can fit into small spaces underground. Coupled with low household incomes, girls like Tasleema are often forced to leave school early in order to support their families.

As the third of seven children in her family, Tasleema was born into poverty. Her family`s situation improved, however, once Tasleema was enrolled in ChildFund India`s sponsorship program. While Tasleema was still young, her father suffered a heart attack and was unable to continue working. ChildFund`s support made it possible for Tasleema to continue her education while her mother kept the family afloat by working as a cook for a nearby school.

By the time Tasleema reached high school, her family`s needs had begun to outgrow her mother`s income. Tasleema assessed her family`s situation, her mother`s meagre earnings and her father`s continuous medical expenses and decided it was time for her to leave school and find a job. She left school before completing year 11 and set out in search of work.

Despite achieving high marks in school, Tasleema was continuously turned away from job opportunities due to her lack of employable skills €“ especially computer literacy. When ChildFund India staff became aware of Tasleema`s predicament, they invited her to participate in a program which focused on developing her IT skills as well as providing English language training. She completed the course in three and a half months.

With her new vocational skills, there were many positions advertised in the local newspaper that now offered great opportunities for Tasleema. This included a pharmacy which needed a computer operator. With the support of ChildFund, Tasleema now had the skills needed for the position, and was successful in securing the role.

Tasleema`s new job means she can comfortably support the basic needs of her family, and cover the cost of her father`s medical expenses. More importantly, Tasleema can contribute towards the costs of education for her younger siblings. While she did not complete her final years at school, she looks forward to seeing her younger siblings graduate instead. And as a skilled worker, she now has the opportunity to develop her own career.

Pictures often communicate far more efficiently than words, and teachers are discovering that this holds true in the small classrooms of Western India, where children are learning the alphabet and the names of animals, fruits and vegetables through paintings and pictures.

“Earlier, I could not tell the difference between a cabbage and a cauliflower. Now, I know all the fruits and vegetables that we eat,” says 4-year-old Vaishnavi. Vaishnavi is one of the 30 children enrolled in an Early Childhood Development (ECD) centre in the Raigad district of Maharashtra state, India, where ChildFund works in 43 rural villages. “Cauliflower is my favourite vegetable, and it contains many vitamins,” she adds.

Vaishnavi`s best friend, Ashok, is more interested in animals, particularly lions. He uses a story that his teacher told him to explain that the lion is the king of the jungle, “You know, a lion won`t kill other animals if it is not hungry.”

As the program manager of PRIDE India, ChildFund`s local partner organisation in the region, Dr. Virendra Kulkarni believes that young children explore visual art with both a creative and a scientific eye.

“Through art, they not only identify objects and concepts clearly, they also try to explore everything related to them,” he explains. “Wall paintings are one of the best ways to teach children, with the aid of visual expression. Our role is to provide them with materials and inspiration, then to stand back and let them go.”

Shanta Ghatge, a tutor at the ECD centre, agrees: “Wall paintings, posters and other wall decorations not only make the classrooms look great, but they also make learning easy for children and remind them of concepts.”

“We cannot just talk all the time in class,” she explains. “Children need to be stimulated in their learning, and we need such wall paintings, posters and other teaching aids to make their learning interesting”.

Ghatge, who has been an ECD teacher in the area for more than 20 years, says she follows a curriculum adopted by ChildFund which involves the examination of artwork, singing, storytelling, drawing and painting.

“Although the children like almost all the activities, the most popular is definitely creating their own art,” Ghatge says. “I often give out drawing sheets and watercolours and ask them to paint and draw. They just love this activity.”

Research has shown that participating in art, music and storytelling activities helps children develop language, mathematics and social skills. “These essential activities can help the young brain develop to its fullest capacity,” Dr. Kulkarni says. “In all our ECD centres, we use learning methods that are recognized as the best practices for pre-schoolers.”

“One of them is using rhythm to help children develop patterning skills and make relationships between the rhythm, beat and words,” he explains. “There are a lot of local language rhymes that teachers use to improve children`s patterning abilities, while toys and other aids are used to improve their motor skills.”

Ghatge points out that these methods also allow children to have fun in the classroom. “Amidst all this noise, we certainly know one thing: These children are learning while also enjoying their childhoods.”